- Harrison Wells is the name of several characters portrayed by Tom Cavanagh in The CW's Arrowverse franchise, primarily the television series The Flash. The character, created by Geoff Johns, Greg Berlanti, and Andrew Kreisberg, is an original creation for the series and is not based on any existing character appearing in comics published by DC Comics. Most versions of Wells are from parallel universes, defined by their high level of intelligence and scientific knowledge. Cavanagh has played several different versions of Wells, most notably Earth-1's Harrison Wells; Harry Wells of Earth-2; writer H. R. Wells of Earth-19; detective Sherloque Wells (/ˈʃɜːrloʊk/) of Earth-221; and explorer Nash Wells who temporarily became the series' version of Pariah. He has also portrayed, in a less prominent capacity, the Council of Wells and the Council of Harrisons, which consist of various doppelgängers. Critics and fans have praised Cavanagh's performances as various versions of the character, particularly Harry, although some criticized his performance as H. R. and Sherloque. The Council of Wells and Council of Harrisons received a mixed reception from critics; some praised their humor and Cavanagh's versatility in portraying them while others criticized their skit-like nature. (en)
- Harrison Wells é un personaggio dell'Arrowverse, universo immaginario televisivo. È uno dei protagonisti di The Flash ed è interpretato da Tom Cavanagh. (it)
- Clockwise from top left: A bespectacled man, a man holding a mug, a jovial man, a man wearing a porkpie hat, and a man dressed like an adventurer. (en)
- Harrison Wells é un personaggio dell'Arrowverse, universo immaginario televisivo. È uno dei protagonisti di The Flash ed è interpretato da Tom Cavanagh. (it)
- Harrison Wells is the name of several characters portrayed by Tom Cavanagh in The CW's Arrowverse franchise, primarily the television series The Flash. The character, created by Geoff Johns, Greg Berlanti, and Andrew Kreisberg, is an original creation for the series and is not based on any existing character appearing in comics published by DC Comics. Most versions of Wells are from parallel universes, defined by their high level of intelligence and scientific knowledge. (en)