"Heart of Gold" is the eighteenth episode of the fourth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on April 12, 2015. In this episode, Emma Swan must deal with the truth about her parents' past with Maleficent, while she tracks down the Author, whom she must find before Gold does. As Gold's quest for his happy ending grows more urgent, he resorts to blackmailing Regina in order to help him. Nine weeks before this, Mr. Gold needs Robin's help. Back in the Enchanted Forest, Rumplestiltskin enlists Robin Hood to go to Oz to steal an elixir from Zelena.
"Heart of Gold" is the eighteenth episode of the fourth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on April 12, 2015. In this episode, Emma Swan must deal with the truth about her parents' past with Maleficent, while she tracks down the Author, whom she must find before Gold does. As Gold's quest for his happy ending grows more urgent, he resorts to blackmailing Regina in order to help him. Nine weeks before this, Mr. Gold needs Robin's help. Back in the Enchanted Forest, Rumplestiltskin enlists Robin Hood to go to Oz to steal an elixir from Zelena. (en)
*Patrick Fischler as Isaac/Author/Peddler *Christie Laing as Marian *Rebecca Mader as Zelena/Wicked Witch of the West *Sean Maguire as Robin Hood *Wil Traval as Sheriff of Nottingham/Keith *Raphael Alejandro as Roland *Jason Burkart as Little John *Jennifer Cheon as Nurse *Paul Kloegman as Carriage Driver *Tristan Shire as Oz Guard (en)
"Heart of Gold" is the eighteenth episode of the fourth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on April 12, 2015. In this episode, Emma Swan must deal with the truth about her parents' past with Maleficent, while she tracks down the Author, whom she must find before Gold does. As Gold's quest for his happy ending grows more urgent, he resorts to blackmailing Regina in order to help him. Nine weeks before this, Mr. Gold needs Robin's help. Back in the Enchanted Forest, Rumplestiltskin enlists Robin Hood to go to Oz to steal an elixir from Zelena. (en)