Monster High, a fashion doll and media franchise created by Garrett Sander and released by American toy company Mattel on 11 June 2010, features a variety of fictional characters, many of whom are students at the titular high school. The female characters are classified as Ghouls and the male characters are classified as Mansters. The characters are generally the sons and daughters, or related to monsters that have been popularized in fiction. The now-defunct official website identified six of the characters as Original Ghouls. In addition to the listed Ghouls and Mansters, there are other characters who have been introduced in the franchise's related media including the web/video and book series. In 2016, Natali Germanotta, sister of singer Lady Gaga, designed for the franchise as a partnership with the Born This Way Foundation. (en)
У світі Школи монстрів багато персонажів з різними характерами, звичками, походженням та зовнішнім виглядом. (uk)
У світі Школи монстрів багато персонажів з різними характерами, звичками, походженням та зовнішнім виглядом. (uk)
Monster High, a fashion doll and media franchise created by Garrett Sander and released by American toy company Mattel on 11 June 2010, features a variety of fictional characters, many of whom are students at the titular high school. The female characters are classified as Ghouls and the male characters are classified as Mansters. The characters are generally the sons and daughters, or related to monsters that have been popularized in fiction. The now-defunct official website identified six of the characters as Original Ghouls. In addition to the listed Ghouls and Mansters, there are other characters who have been introduced in the franchise's related media including the web/video and book series. In 2016, Natali Germanotta, sister of singer Lady Gaga, designed for the franchise as a part (en)