Imus in the Morning was a long-running radio show hosted by Don Imus. The show originated on June 2, 1968, on various stations in the Western United States and Cleveland, Ohio before settling on WNBC radio in New York City in 1971. In October 1988, the show moved to WFAN when that station took over WNBC's dial position following an ownership change. It was later syndicated to 60 other stations across the country by Westwood One, a division of CBS Radio, airing weekdays from 5:30 to 10 am Eastern time. Beginning September 3, 1996, the 6 to 9 am portion was simulcast on the cable television network MSNBC. The show had been broadcast almost every weekday morning for 36 years on radio and 11 years on MSNBC until it was canceled on April 12, 2007, due to controversial comments made on the April 4, 2007 broadcast. Imus in the Morning program returned to the morning drive on New York radio station WABC on December 3, 2007. WABC is the flagship station of ABC Radio Networks (which itself was eventually subsumed into Westwood One in 2012), which syndicates the show nationally. From 2007 to August 2009, the show was simulcast on television nationwide on RFD-TV and rebroadcast each evening on RFD HD in high-definition. After Imus and RFD reached a mutual agreement to prematurely terminate the five-year deal, Fox Business Network began simulcasting the program on October 5, 2009, an arrangement which ended on May 29, 2015. In March 2018, Cumulus Media, in the middle of a bankruptcy process, told Imus they were going to stop paying him, and as a result, Imus ended the show. The final broadcast of Imus in the Morning was March 29, 2018. (en)
『アイマス・イン・ザ・モーニング』 (Imus in the Morning) は、アメリカの朝のラジオ番組、テレビ番組。司会はドン・アイマス。1971年からラジオで放送され、1996年から2007年までMSNBCで放送。後述の差別発言後、MSNBCおよびラジオ局から打ち切りとなり、2009年までRFDで放送した後、2009年10月5日からフォックス・ビジネス・ネットワークで放送されている。 (ja)
『アイマス・イン・ザ・モーニング』 (Imus in the Morning) は、アメリカの朝のラジオ番組、テレビ番組。司会はドン・アイマス。1971年からラジオで放送され、1996年から2007年までMSNBCで放送。後述の差別発言後、MSNBCおよびラジオ局から打ち切りとなり、2009年までRFDで放送した後、2009年10月5日からフォックス・ビジネス・ネットワークで放送されている。 (ja)
Imus in the Morning was a long-running radio show hosted by Don Imus. The show originated on June 2, 1968, on various stations in the Western United States and Cleveland, Ohio before settling on WNBC radio in New York City in 1971. In October 1988, the show moved to WFAN when that station took over WNBC's dial position following an ownership change. It was later syndicated to 60 other stations across the country by Westwood One, a division of CBS Radio, airing weekdays from 5:30 to 10 am Eastern time. Beginning September 3, 1996, the 6 to 9 am portion was simulcast on the cable television network MSNBC. (en)