جائزة الروح المستقلة لأفضل أول فيلم هي أحد جوائز الروح المستقلة وتمنح لأفضل لأفضل فيلم أو تجربة إخراجية لفيلم طويل للمخرج أو المنتج. (ar)
L'Independent Spirit a la millor primera pel·lícula (en anglès Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature) és el Premi Independent Spirit que es concedeix anualment a la millor pel·lícula debut. (ca)
Preisgekrönte und nominierte Filmproduktionen für den Independent Spirit Award in der Kategorie Bester Debütfilm (Best First Feature). Ausgezeichnet werden die Regisseure und die Produzenten der Filme. (de)
The Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature is one of the annual Independent Spirit Awards. It is usually given to the director (or directors) and producer (or producers). The "first feature" designation is applied to the director not the producer(s). Therefore, producers have been nominated multiple times. It was first presented in 1986 with Spike Lee's She's Gotta Have It being the first recipient of the award. In 2000, this category was split into two separate categories: one for films with budgets over 500,000andanewcategory,theIndependentSpiritJohnCassavetesAward,whichwasrestrictedtofilmswithbudgetsunder500,000 and a new category, the Independent Spirit John Cassavetes Award, which was restricted to films with budgets under 500,000andanewcategory,theIndependentSpiritJohnCassavetesAward,whichwasrestrictedtofilmswithbudgetsunder500,000. In 2001, films could be eligible regardless of their budget as long as it was feature film directorial debut. (en)
L'Independent Spirit Award per il miglior film d'esordio (Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature) è un premio cinematografico statunitense assegnato annualmente dal 1987. (it)
獨立精神獎最佳首部影片(Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature)是獨立精神獎的獎項之一,頒發給新晉導演所執導的首部電影,或製作人其首部監製電影(但當中有不少製作人曾被多次提名),於1986年開始頒發。 (zh)