معهد إدارة المواد النووية هو منظمة فنية ومهنية دولية تعمل على تعزيز التعامل الآمن مع المواد النووية والممارسة الآمنة لإدارة المواد النووية من خلال المنشورات، فضلاً عن العروض التقديمية والاجتماعات المنظمة. (ar)
The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) is an international technical and professional organization that works to promote safe handling of nuclear material and the safe practice of nuclear materials management through publications, as well as organized presentations and meetings. The INMM's headquarters is located in Deerfield, Illinois in the United States, but its members are located around the world including Europe, Asia, South America and North America. There are more than 1,100 members and 32 chapters. Les Shephard, vice president of Sandia National Laboratories' Energy, Security, and Defense Technology Center, said in February 2009 of the INMM and the American Nuclear Society, These are the two leading organizations in the world that address the challenges associated with nuclear energy, nonproliferation and nuclear materials management and that contribute significantly to the science and engineering foundation for nuclear energy worldwide. (en)
معهد إدارة المواد النووية هو منظمة فنية ومهنية دولية تعمل على تعزيز التعامل الآمن مع المواد النووية والممارسة الآمنة لإدارة المواد النووية من خلال المنشورات، فضلاً عن العروض التقديمية والاجتماعات المنظمة. (ar)
The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) is an international technical and professional organization that works to promote safe handling of nuclear material and the safe practice of nuclear materials management through publications, as well as organized presentations and meetings. The INMM's headquarters is located in Deerfield, Illinois in the United States, but its members are located around the world including Europe, Asia, South America and North America. There are more than 1,100 members and 32 chapters. (en)