Die International Hockey League (IHL) war eine nordamerikanische Eishockey-Profiliga, die von 1929 bis 1936 existierte. Nach Abschluss der Spielzeit 1935/36 schloss sich die Liga mit der Canadian-American Hockey League zur International-American Hockey League zusammen. Diese wiederum wurde im Jahr 1940 die American Hockey League. Die International Hockey League ging aus der Canadian Professional Hockey League hervor, die von 1926 bis 1929 existierte. (de)
The International Hockey League was a professional hockey league operating in Canada and the United States from 1929 to 1936. It is one of two direct ancestors of the American Hockey League. It was formed when the Canadian Professional Hockey League split into two leagues. The larger teams formed the IHL, which was one step below the National Hockey League. The smaller teams kept the CPHL name, and served as a farm system for the IHL for one season. Three teams folded and two others merged after the 1935–36 season, leaving the IHL with only four teams—the minimum required for the league to be viable. The remaining teams joined with the Canadian-American Hockey League, which had also been cut down to four teams, to form a "circuit of mutual convenience" called the "International-American Hockey League." The two leagues played an interlocking schedule for the next two years, with the IHL serving as the IAHL's Western Division and the Can-Am serving as its Eastern Division. The Buffalo Bisons, a charter IHL member, suspended operations due to an arena collapse and subsequent financial problems after only 11 games, and the IAHL played as a seven-team unit for the rest of the season and all of the 1938–39 season. At a meeting held in New York City on June 28, 1938, the two leagues formally merged into a unified league operating under the IAHL name. The Eastern Amateur Hockey League's Hershey Bears were added as an expansion team, replacing the Bisons. The IAHL changed its name to the American Hockey League in 1940. (en)
La Ligue internationale de hockey (LIH) est une organisation professionnelle de hockey sur glace d'Amérique du Nord qui a existé de 1929 à 1936. En 1936, la ligue rejoint la Canadian-American Hockey League pour devenir la Ligue américaine internationale de hockey. (fr)
L'International Hockey League (IHL) è stata una lega minore professionistica di hockey su ghiaccio che ha operato negli Stati Uniti e in Canada dal 1929 al 1936. Fu una diretta antenata della American Hockey League. (it)
International Hockey League var en professionell ishockeyliga i Kanada och USA mellan åren 1929 och 1936. 1936 gick den samman med under det nya namnet International American Hockey League. (sv)