- Jonathan Grier is a computer scientist, consultant, and entrepreneur. He is best known for his work on stochastic forensics and insider data theft. He has also contributed to computer security, digital forensics, and software development. Grier is a frequent speaker at computer conferences such as Black Hat, ACSAC, and DFRWS. His research has appeared in the Journal of Digital Investigation, SecurityFocus, Digital Forensics Magazine and InformationWeek. His work has been cited by Microsoft Press, IBM Internet Security Systems, Hewlett-Packard, SC Magazine and the FBI National Infrastructure Protection Center. Grier is an advisor to private clients in computer security, software development and information technology, and conducts training in computer security and forensics for private clients and the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center. (en)
- Jonathan Grier is a computer scientist, consultant, and entrepreneur. He is best known for his work on stochastic forensics and insider data theft. He has also contributed to computer security, digital forensics, and software development. Grier is an advisor to private clients in computer security, software development and information technology, and conducts training in computer security and forensics for private clients and the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center. (en)