Juan Apóstol, el más amado is an 2016 Mexican film produced by Beverly Hills Entertainment who previously produced the film Santiago Apóstol, and also is based on the life of John the Apostle, one of the most outstanding disciples of Jesus of Nazareth. The film stars Mané de la Parra as John the Apostle, Marjorie de Sousa as Mary Magdalene, and Livia Brito as Mary, mother of Jesus.
Juan Apóstol, el más amado is an 2016 Mexican film produced by Beverly Hills Entertainment who previously produced the film Santiago Apóstol, and also is based on the life of John the Apostle, one of the most outstanding disciples of Jesus of Nazareth. The film stars Mané de la Parra as John the Apostle, Marjorie de Sousa as Mary Magdalene, and Livia Brito as Mary, mother of Jesus. (en)
Juan Apóstol, el más amado is an 2016 Mexican film produced by Beverly Hills Entertainment who previously produced the film Santiago Apóstol, and also is based on the life of John the Apostle, one of the most outstanding disciples of Jesus of Nazareth. The film stars Mané de la Parra as John the Apostle, Marjorie de Sousa as Mary Magdalene, and Livia Brito as Mary, mother of Jesus. (en)