- Juqu Mujian (Chinese: 沮渠牧犍; before 420 – 447), named Juqu Maoqian (沮渠茂虔) in some sources, formally Prince Ai of Hexi (河西哀王), was a king of the Xiongnu-led Northern Liang dynasty of China—with most Chinese historians considering him the last king, although with some considering his brothers Juqu Wuhui and Juqu Anzhou who ruled from Gaochang to be kings of the state as well. By the time that Juqu Mujian succeeded his father Juqu Mengxun (Prince Wuxuan) in 433, Northern Liang appeared to be stronger than ever, yet was under the shadow of the much stronger state Northern Wei, to which Northern Liang was nominally a vassal. In 439, Emperor Taiwu of Northern Wei launched a major campaign against Northern Liang and captured both his capital Guzang (姑臧, in modern Wuwei, Gansu) and Juqu Mujian himself. Juqu Mujian remained an honored Northern Wei subject as Emperor Taiwu's brother-in-law until 447, when Emperor Taiwu, believing him to be trying to rebel, forced him to commit suicide. (en)
- 沮渠 牧犍(そきょ ぼくけん)は、五胡十六国時代の北涼の第3代王。沮渠茂虔とも書かれる。武宣王沮渠蒙遜の三男。 (ja)
- 저거목건(沮渠牧犍, ? ~ 447년, 재위:433년 ~ 439년)은 중국 오호 십육국 시대의 북량의 3대 국왕이다.시호는 애왕 저거무건(沮渠茂虔)으로 기록되기도 했다. (ko)
- 沮渠牧犍(?-447年),一名茂虔,匈奴支系盧水胡族人,沮渠蒙遜之子。十六國時期北涼國末代君主。沮渠牧犍原非蒙遜指定的繼承人,因國內眾臣推舉而登位,任內保持了父親一貫與北魏及南朝宋的關係,然而北魏既滅北燕,魏太武帝亦因毒殺武威公主圖謀和西域使者之言對牧犍不滿,遂出兵攻涼。牧犍初堅守姑臧城不降,但終在北魏軍圍攻下城陷,被逼投降,北涼亡。牧犍弟沮渠無諱帶領北涼殘餘勢力西走,後立起高昌北涼以承涼祚。 (zh)
- Цзюйцюй Муцзянь (кит. 沮渠牧犍, пиньинь Jǔqú Mùjiān, ?—447), также известный как Маоцянь (кит. 茂虔, пиньинь Màoqián) — правитель государства Северная Лян. (ru)
- Цзюйцюй Муцзянь (кит.: 沮渠牧犍; піньїнь: Juqu Mujian; до 420-447) — третій імператор Північної Лян періоду Шістнадцяти держав. (uk)
- 沮渠 牧犍(そきょ ぼくけん)は、五胡十六国時代の北涼の第3代王。沮渠茂虔とも書かれる。武宣王沮渠蒙遜の三男。 (ja)
- 저거목건(沮渠牧犍, ? ~ 447년, 재위:433년 ~ 439년)은 중국 오호 십육국 시대의 북량의 3대 국왕이다.시호는 애왕 저거무건(沮渠茂虔)으로 기록되기도 했다. (ko)
- 沮渠牧犍(?-447年),一名茂虔,匈奴支系盧水胡族人,沮渠蒙遜之子。十六國時期北涼國末代君主。沮渠牧犍原非蒙遜指定的繼承人,因國內眾臣推舉而登位,任內保持了父親一貫與北魏及南朝宋的關係,然而北魏既滅北燕,魏太武帝亦因毒殺武威公主圖謀和西域使者之言對牧犍不滿,遂出兵攻涼。牧犍初堅守姑臧城不降,但終在北魏軍圍攻下城陷,被逼投降,北涼亡。牧犍弟沮渠無諱帶領北涼殘餘勢力西走,後立起高昌北涼以承涼祚。 (zh)
- Цзюйцюй Муцзянь (кит. 沮渠牧犍, пиньинь Jǔqú Mùjiān, ?—447), также известный как Маоцянь (кит. 茂虔, пиньинь Màoqián) — правитель государства Северная Лян. (ru)
- Цзюйцюй Муцзянь (кит.: 沮渠牧犍; піньїнь: Juqu Mujian; до 420-447) — третій імператор Північної Лян періоду Шістнадцяти держав. (uk)
- Juqu Mujian (Chinese: 沮渠牧犍; before 420 – 447), named Juqu Maoqian (沮渠茂虔) in some sources, formally Prince Ai of Hexi (河西哀王), was a king of the Xiongnu-led Northern Liang dynasty of China—with most Chinese historians considering him the last king, although with some considering his brothers Juqu Wuhui and Juqu Anzhou who ruled from Gaochang to be kings of the state as well. By the time that Juqu Mujian succeeded his father Juqu Mengxun (Prince Wuxuan) in 433, Northern Liang appeared to be stronger than ever, yet was under the shadow of the much stronger state Northern Wei, to which Northern Liang was nominally a vassal. In 439, Emperor Taiwu of Northern Wei launched a major campaign against Northern Liang and captured both his capital Guzang (姑臧, in modern Wuwei, Gansu) and Juqu Mujian hims (en)