- The fourth season of the South Korean reality television competition show K-pop Star premiered on SBS on November 23, 2014, airing Sunday evenings at 4:50 pm KST as part of the Good Sunday lineup. Yang Hyun-suk, Park Jin-young, and You Hee-yeol returned as judges. The contest began receiving applications in June, with preliminary auditions taking place in Seoul and throughout South Korea, as well as the United States, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong until September 2014. The season ended on April 12, 2015, with Katie Kim crowned as winner and choosing to sign with YG Entertainment. A special episode containing behind the scenes footage and interviews aired the following week. The show decided to change its rule and give the two runners-up, Jung Seung-hwan and Lee Jin-ah, the chance to choose the company they want to join as well. Both contestants chose Antenna Music and were accepted. On May 14, Lily M revealed that she has signed an exclusive contract with JYP Entertainment. (en)
- 《K팝스타 4》는 SBS TV에서 2014년 11월 23일부터 2015년 4월 12일까지 방영되었다. (ko)
- 《K-pop Star 4》(韓語:K팝스타 4)是韓國電視台SBS《星期天真好》綜藝時段中的一部綜藝節目,亦是K-pop Star 3的後續篇。節目由2014年11月23日播放至2015年4月9日。 (zh)
- 《K팝스타 4》는 SBS TV에서 2014년 11월 23일부터 2015년 4월 12일까지 방영되었다. (ko)
- 《K-pop Star 4》(韓語:K팝스타 4)是韓國電視台SBS《星期天真好》綜藝時段中的一部綜藝節目,亦是K-pop Star 3的後續篇。節目由2014年11月23日播放至2015年4月9日。 (zh)
- The fourth season of the South Korean reality television competition show K-pop Star premiered on SBS on November 23, 2014, airing Sunday evenings at 4:50 pm KST as part of the Good Sunday lineup. Yang Hyun-suk, Park Jin-young, and You Hee-yeol returned as judges. The contest began receiving applications in June, with preliminary auditions taking place in Seoul and throughout South Korea, as well as the United States, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong until September 2014. The season ended on April 12, 2015, with Katie Kim crowned as winner and choosing to sign with YG Entertainment. (en)