- Keizō Hayashi (林 敬三, Hayashi Keizō, 8 January 1907 – 12 November 1991) was a Japanese civil servant, general officer and the first Chairman of (JSC), a post equivalent to Chief of the General Staff in other countries, from 1954 to 1964. He was instrumental in founding the post-war Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) in 1954. Hayashi began his civil service career in the Home Ministry in 1929. In post-war Japan, he became Governor of Tottori Prefecture from 1945 to 1947 and Director of the Bureau of Local Affairs from 1947 until the Home Ministry was disbanded in the same year. After that, he was appointed Vice-Minister of Imperial Household from 1948 to 1950, during which he became a confidant of Emperor Showa. After the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, Hayashi, who did not have prewar military background, was chosen by Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, with the endorsement of the American occupation authority, to head the newly formed National Police Reserve (NPR) in the capacity as Superintendent-General. Since Japan had been demilitarized after the Second World War, one of his major tasks was to build up the NPR as the foundation of Japan's self-defense power in post-war era. He was also responsible for developing a new mind-set for the NPR so as to adapt to post-war changes. When the NPR was restructured as the National Safety Force (NSF) in 1952, he was appointed of the , which was the top decision making body of the NSF. Hayashi helped found the JSC and the JSDF after Japan regained its status as a sovereign state under the Treaty of San Francisco in 1954. As Chairman of JSC, he assisted the Director-General of Defense Agency (JDA) in formulating defense plans, reviewing proposals as submitted by the JSDF, carrying out defense-related intelligence and investigation work, as well as fostering closer military ties with the United States and its allies. Having served in the JSC for ten years, he was not only the longest-serving Chairman, but was also the only Chairman with civilian civil service background. In retirement, he took an active part in public affairs, serving as, among others, President of the from 1965 to 1971, of the Japanese Red Cross from 1978 to 1987, and of the from 1983 to 1990. (en)
- 林 敬三(はやし けいぞう、1907年(明治40年)1月8日 - 1991年(平成3年)11月12日)は、日本の内務官僚、陸上自衛官。警察予備隊総隊総監、保安庁第一幕僚長(現在の陸上幕僚長)、初代統合幕僚会議議長。第11代日本赤十字社社長。閣僚の靖国神社参拝問題に関する懇談会座長。父親は林弥三吉陸軍中将である(長男)。正三位勲一等旭日大綬章。 (ja)
- 林敬三(日语:林 敬三/はやし けいぞう Hayashi Keizō、1907年1月8日-1991年11月12日),日本政府官僚、陸上自衛隊將領,亦為自衛隊創立初期的高層首腦,參與了第二次世界大戰後日本國防武力組建成型的過程。 林敬三的職業生涯最早從1929年展開,到1950年韓戰爆發之前已在內務省、內閣等行政機關有任事經驗,亦曾當過縣知事及管理日本皇室事務的宮內廳次長。當日本為因應朝鮮半島局勢而在二戰後首度之際,他獲首相吉田茂及昭和天皇賞識而轉服武職,經日本政府及駐日盟軍總司令部(GHQ)任命為陸上自衛隊前身部隊——警察預備隊及的指揮官,又在1954年自衛隊成立後,出任首位統合幕僚會議議長(陸海空三軍總參謀長)至1964年為止,官拜陸將(四星上將)。林作為文人出身的將領,在任期間所進行的工作包括重整部隊組織、制定基礎精神、抑制舊日軍對新部隊的影響,以及對外防務交流。從自衛隊退休後,林敬三尚於數個社會及公共組織中活動,不僅充任、日本紅十字會與等團體的會長、總裁職位,還投入行政調查、靖國神社問題等政府諮詢委員會的會務,最終於1991年逝世,享壽84歲。 (zh)
- 林 敬三(はやし けいぞう、1907年(明治40年)1月8日 - 1991年(平成3年)11月12日)は、日本の内務官僚、陸上自衛官。警察予備隊総隊総監、保安庁第一幕僚長(現在の陸上幕僚長)、初代統合幕僚会議議長。第11代日本赤十字社社長。閣僚の靖国神社参拝問題に関する懇談会座長。父親は林弥三吉陸軍中将である(長男)。正三位勲一等旭日大綬章。 (ja)
- 林敬三(日语:林 敬三/はやし けいぞう Hayashi Keizō、1907年1月8日-1991年11月12日),日本政府官僚、陸上自衛隊將領,亦為自衛隊創立初期的高層首腦,參與了第二次世界大戰後日本國防武力組建成型的過程。 林敬三的職業生涯最早從1929年展開,到1950年韓戰爆發之前已在內務省、內閣等行政機關有任事經驗,亦曾當過縣知事及管理日本皇室事務的宮內廳次長。當日本為因應朝鮮半島局勢而在二戰後首度之際,他獲首相吉田茂及昭和天皇賞識而轉服武職,經日本政府及駐日盟軍總司令部(GHQ)任命為陸上自衛隊前身部隊——警察預備隊及的指揮官,又在1954年自衛隊成立後,出任首位統合幕僚會議議長(陸海空三軍總參謀長)至1964年為止,官拜陸將(四星上將)。林作為文人出身的將領,在任期間所進行的工作包括重整部隊組織、制定基礎精神、抑制舊日軍對新部隊的影響,以及對外防務交流。從自衛隊退休後,林敬三尚於數個社會及公共組織中活動,不僅充任、日本紅十字會與等團體的會長、總裁職位,還投入行政調查、靖國神社問題等政府諮詢委員會的會務,最終於1991年逝世,享壽84歲。 (zh)
- Keizō Hayashi (林 敬三, Hayashi Keizō, 8 January 1907 – 12 November 1991) was a Japanese civil servant, general officer and the first Chairman of (JSC), a post equivalent to Chief of the General Staff in other countries, from 1954 to 1964. He was instrumental in founding the post-war Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) in 1954. (en)