Kratts' Creatures is a half-hour children's television series that originally ran on PBS Kids during the summer of 1996. The first in a series of programs produced by the Kratt Brothers, Chris and Martin Kratt, Kratts' Creatures was made to be the first wildlife show aimed specifically towards young children. It featured the Kratt Brothers as they traveled worldwide, exploring different animals and their habitats. They received assistance from their friends Allison Baldwin (Shannon Duff) and Ttark, an animated anthropomorphic dinosaur (voiced by Ron Rubin). The show ran for one season on PTV from June 3, 1996, to August 9, 1996, with 50 episodes, with reruns continuing to air until June 9, 2000 (August 31, 2001 (The day that Mister Rogers' Neighborhood aired its final episode), on select PBS member stations). Due to its popularity, the show inspired an unofficial spin-off, Zoboomafoo, created by the Kratts, which premiered on January 25, 1999. (en)
Kratts' Creatures (no Brasil: O Mundo Animal dos Kratts) foi um programa de televisão infantil na PBS. O programa era apresentado pelos Irmãos Kratt, Chris e Martin. Também estrelava Shannon Duff como Alison Baldwin e Ron Rubin como Ttark. O programa introduziu seus espectadores ao mundo dos animais. 68 episódios foram produzidos no total, e durou de 1996 à 1999. No Brasil, o programa foi exibido no Discovery Kids entre 1997 e 1999, com a dublagem feita pelo estúdio em São Paulo. (pt)
Kratts' Creatures (no Brasil: O Mundo Animal dos Kratts) foi um programa de televisão infantil na PBS. O programa era apresentado pelos Irmãos Kratt, Chris e Martin. Também estrelava Shannon Duff como Alison Baldwin e Ron Rubin como Ttark. O programa introduziu seus espectadores ao mundo dos animais. 68 episódios foram produzidos no total, e durou de 1996 à 1999. No Brasil, o programa foi exibido no Discovery Kids entre 1997 e 1999, com a dublagem feita pelo estúdio em São Paulo. (pt)
Kratts' Creatures is a half-hour children's television series that originally ran on PBS Kids during the summer of 1996. The first in a series of programs produced by the Kratt Brothers, Chris and Martin Kratt, Kratts' Creatures was made to be the first wildlife show aimed specifically towards young children. It featured the Kratt Brothers as they traveled worldwide, exploring different animals and their habitats. They received assistance from their friends Allison Baldwin (Shannon Duff) and Ttark, an animated anthropomorphic dinosaur (voiced by Ron Rubin). The show ran for one season on PTV from June 3, 1996, to August 9, 1996, with 50 episodes, with reruns continuing to air until June 9, 2000 (August 31, 2001 (The day that Mister Rogers' Neighborhood aired its final episode), on select P (en)