- Kuozui Motors (Chinese: 國瑞汽車; pinyin: Guóruì Qìchē) is a Taiwanese manufacturing company that builds Toyotas under license for the domestic market. It began as a co-ownership of Hino Motors and Hotai Motor. The corporation was spun off and became independent in the 1980s. Toyota still invests heavily in the corporation's production sector, expanding Taiwanese plants. It was founded as a joint venture, Huatung Motors, Ltd. by General Motors and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of National Defense. GM withdrew in 1983. Hotai Motor, based in Taiwan, then stepped in, and in 1984, along with Hino Motors, established Kuozui Motors. In 2008, Toyota and Hotai Motor increased its stake in the company to form the majority ownership. (en)
- 国瑞汽車(こくずい-きしゃ)は、台湾の自動車製造・販売会社。 1984年に台北市にて設立。台湾向けにトヨタ車及び日野車を製造する目的で、台湾のと日本の日野自動車との合弁で設立された企業である。 (ja)
- 國瑞汽車是中華民國的汽車製造商之一,成立於1984年,當時由日野汽車及和泰汽車合資創立,國瑞汽車是豐田汽車及日野汽車在臺灣的唯一生產企業,總部位於臺北市,兩個生產工廠分別位於中壢工業區和。 (zh)