The first season of the Japanese animated television series Laid-Back Camp, based on the manga of the same name, follows Rin Shima in her solo camping trip by Lake Motosu in Yamanashi Prefecture and her first meeting with Nadeshiko Kagamihara afterward. Animated by C-Station, the season was directed by Yoshiaki Kyogoku from a series composition supervised by Jin Tanaka. The season stars Yumiri Hanamori, Nao TÅyama, Sayuri Hara, Aki Toyosaki, Rie Takahashi, and Marina Inoue, with Akio Otsuka serving as the narrator. In January 2017, a TV adaptation of the manga series by Afro was announced. Kyogoku and Tanaka joined the staff in June 2017. The first season aired in Japan from January 4 to March 22, 2018, and consists of twelve episodes. It received critical acclaim among critics and fans and inspired others to try camping. It is followed by a second season, which began airing in Japan on January 7, 2021. (en)
The first season of the Japanese animated television series Laid-Back Camp, based on the manga of the same name, follows Rin Shima in her solo camping trip by Lake Motosu in Yamanashi Prefecture and her first meeting with Nadeshiko Kagamihara afterward. Animated by C-Station, the season was directed by Yoshiaki Kyogoku from a series composition supervised by Jin Tanaka. (en)