Diese Liste zählt alle Teams auf, die bei den Laureus World Sports Awards als „Mannschaft des Jahres“ nominiert waren. Die Sieger sind farblich hervorgehoben. (de)
The Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year is an award honouring the achievements of those teams who have demonstrated "supreme performance" in the world of sports. It was first awarded in 2000 as one of the seven constituent awards presented during the Laureus World Sports Awards. The awards are presented by the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, a global organisation involved in more than 150 charity projects supporting 500,000 young people. The first ceremony was held on 25 May 2000 in Monte Carlo, at which Nelson Mandela gave the keynote speech. As of 2020, a shortlist of six nominees for the award comes from a panel composed of the "world's leading sports editors, writers and broadcasters". The Laureus World Sports Academy then selects the winner who is presented with a Laureus statuette, created by Cartier, at an annual awards ceremony held in various locations around the world. The awards are considered highly prestigious and are frequently referred to as the sporting equivalent of "Oscars". The inaugural winner of the award was English football team Manchester United, who had completed an "historic treble" by winning the UEFA Champions League, the Premier League and the FA Cup during the 1998–99 season. Football teams, including both domestic and international sides, have won more awards than any other sport with eleven, followed by rugby union (four) and Formula One teams (three). Teams from Germany and France have won the award three times, while teams from England, Spain, and South Africa have won it twice. The 2021 winner of the Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year was Bayern Munich. (en)
Esta lista tráz todas equipes, times ou seleções vencedoras e indicadas ao Prêmio de Equipe do ano do Prêmio Laureus do Esporte Mundial. (pt)
Список лауреатов и номинантов Laureus World Sports Awards — Команда года. (ru)
劳伦斯世界体育奖年度团体(英語:Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year)是2000年首届劳伦斯世界体育奖创立的年度奖项,旨在表彰世界体坛“成绩卓越”的团体。世界体育奖由全球组织劳伦斯体育公益基金会主办,该机构参与150多个慈善项目,资助50万青少年。首届颁奖典礼于2000年5月25日在蒙特卡洛举行,纳尔逊·曼德拉发表主题演说。根据2020年的评选规则,年度团体奖先由“世界领先的体育编辑、作家和广播公司”组成评审团选出六人入围,劳伦斯世界体育学院挑选最终得主。一年一度的颁奖典礼在世界各地举办,得主奖杯由卡地亞制作。劳伦斯世界体育奖声望卓著,有体育界的奥斯卡奖美誉。 第一个年度团体是英格兰足球队曼徹斯特聯足球俱樂部,在1998至1999年赛季以欧洲冠军联赛、英超联赛、足总杯三冠王战绩创造历史。足球队11次获奖,远超其他运动,其次是橄欖球四次,一级方程式赛车三次。德国胜出四次居首,英国、法国各三次、西班牙、南非各两次。2021年在塞维利亚颁奖典礼获奖的最新得主是拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部,该队还曾在2014年胜出,是唯一多次获奖的队伍。 (zh)
Diese Liste zählt alle Teams auf, die bei den Laureus World Sports Awards als „Mannschaft des Jahres“ nominiert waren. Die Sieger sind farblich hervorgehoben. (de)
Esta lista tráz todas equipes, times ou seleções vencedoras e indicadas ao Prêmio de Equipe do ano do Prêmio Laureus do Esporte Mundial. (pt)
Список лауреатов и номинантов Laureus World Sports Awards — Команда года. (ru)
劳伦斯世界体育奖年度团体(英語:Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year)是2000年首届劳伦斯世界体育奖创立的年度奖项,旨在表彰世界体坛“成绩卓越”的团体。世界体育奖由全球组织劳伦斯体育公益基金会主办,该机构参与150多个慈善项目,资助50万青少年。首届颁奖典礼于2000年5月25日在蒙特卡洛举行,纳尔逊·曼德拉发表主题演说。根据2020年的评选规则,年度团体奖先由“世界领先的体育编辑、作家和广播公司”组成评审团选出六人入围,劳伦斯世界体育学院挑选最终得主。一年一度的颁奖典礼在世界各地举办,得主奖杯由卡地亞制作。劳伦斯世界体育奖声望卓著,有体育界的奥斯卡奖美誉。 第一个年度团体是英格兰足球队曼徹斯特聯足球俱樂部,在1998至1999年赛季以欧洲冠军联赛、英超联赛、足总杯三冠王战绩创造历史。足球队11次获奖,远超其他运动,其次是橄欖球四次,一级方程式赛车三次。德国胜出四次居首,英国、法国各三次、西班牙、南非各两次。2021年在塞维利亚颁奖典礼获奖的最新得主是拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部,该队还曾在2014年胜出,是唯一多次获奖的队伍。 (zh)
The Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year is an award honouring the achievements of those teams who have demonstrated "supreme performance" in the world of sports. It was first awarded in 2000 as one of the seven constituent awards presented during the Laureus World Sports Awards. The awards are presented by the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, a global organisation involved in more than 150 charity projects supporting 500,000 young people. The first ceremony was held on 25 May 2000 in Monte Carlo, at which Nelson Mandela gave the keynote speech. As of 2020, a shortlist of six nominees for the award comes from a panel composed of the "world's leading sports editors, writers and broadcasters". The Laureus World Sports Academy then selects the winner who is presented with a Laure (en)