Die Legislativversammlung von Niederkanada (engl. Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada, frz. Chambre d'assemblée du Bas-Canada) bildete von 1791 bis 1838 das vom Volk direkt gewählte Unterhaus des Parlaments von Niederkanada. Zusammen mit dem sowie dem von der britischen Krone entsandten Generalgouverneur von Kanada bildete es sie die Legislative in Niederkanada. (de)
The Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada was the lower house of the bicameral structure of provincial government in Lower Canada until 1838. The legislative assembly was created by the Constitutional Act of 1791. The lower house consisted of elected legislative councilors who created bills to be passed up to the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, whose members were appointed by the governor general. Following the Lower Canada Rebellion, the lower house was dissolved on March 27, 1838, and Lower Canada was administered by an appointed Special Council. With the Act of Union in 1840, a new lower chamber, the Legislative Assembly of Canada, was created for both Upper and Lower Canada which existed until 1867, when the Legislative Assembly of Quebec was created. (en)
La Chambre d'assemblée du Bas-Canada ou Assemblée législative du Bas-Canada est la chambre basse du Parlement du Bas-Canada de 1792 jusqu'en 1838. Conjointement avec le Conseil législatif (la chambre haute) et le représentant de la couronne britannique, elle détient le pouvoir législatif sur toutes les affaires « locales » de la colonie. (fr)