Leonid Teyf (original) (raw)

Leonid Isaakovich Teyf is a Russian-Israeli businessman and accused white-collar criminal. He served as the deputy director of Voentorg, a company that contracted with the Russian Ministry of Defense to provide goods and services to the Russian Military. In December 2018 Teyf was arrested by FBI agents and his mansion in Raleigh, North Carolina was raided as part of an investigation into a money laundering and murder-for-hire scheme. Teyf was alleged to have profited 150millioninakickbackschemeinvolvingtheRussianGovernment.Inaremarkabledevelopment,onMarch19,2021,theUnitedStatesGovernmentdropped47countsoutofa50−countindictmentagainstTeyf,includingtheprimarychargesofmoneylaunderingandmurder−for−hire.Teyfpledguiltytobribingafederalagent150 million in a kickback scheme involving the Russian Government. In a remarkable development, on March 19, 2021, the United States Government dropped 47 counts out of a 50-count indictment against Teyf, including the primary charges of money laundering and murder-for-hire. Teyf pled guilty to bribing a federal agent 150millioninakickbackschemeinvolvingtheRussianGovernment.Inaremarkabledevelopment,onMarch19,2021,theUnitedStatesGovernmentdropped47countsoutofa50countindictmentagainstTeyf,includingtheprimarychargesofmoneylaunderingandmurderforhire.Teyfpledguiltytobribingafederalagent10,000
