Altair: A Record of Battles is an anime television series based on the manga series of the same title written and illustrated by Kotono Katō. The series aired from July 7 to December 22, 2017, on MBS TV's "Animeism" programming block and ran for two cour (two quarters of a year). For the first cour (Episodes 1-13), the opening theme is "Rasen no Yume" (螺旋のユメ, Spiral Dream) by rock band SID, who created the song specifically for the anime television. The ending theme is "Taiyō no Elegy" (たいようの哀悼歌 (エレジー), Elegy for the Sun) by pop girl group FLOWER. For the second half (Episodes 14-24), the opening theme song is "赫色 -akairo-" by three-piece band CIVILIAN and ending theme is "Windy" by R&B duo CHEMISTRY. (en)