قائمة البريطانيون الحاصلون على أوسمة في حرب الخليج الثانية في عام 1991. بصرف النظر عن الترتيب فهي جائزة عسكرية بحتة. (ar)
A list of British awards for gallantry in Operation Granby (Gulf War) in 1991. Apart from the Distinguished Service Order, a purely military award for leadership in combat, only gallantry awards have been included and only those that allow post-nominal letters. The list includes the name, rank and regiment, corps or service of the recipient, the appointment they held at the time, the place and date of the action (although many awards were not made for specific actions), and (in brackets) the date of gazette of the award in the London Gazette. All were gazetted on 29 June 1991 unless otherwise indicated. (en)