This is a list of characters for the manga series Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, written and illustrated by Shinobu Ohtaka, and the prequel, Adventure of Sinbad, written by Ohtaka and illustrated Yoshifumi Ohtera. Both stories borrow elements and character names from the One Thousand and One Nights. The Magi series has an extensive fictional cast. The Labyrinth of Magic focuses on a Magi (a rare class of magicians) named Aladdin and his King Vessel (a Magi’s chosen one), Alibaba Saluja. They both travel through a world full of magic, which contain mysterious dungeons full of Djinns, treasures, metal vessels, vast countries, various mysteries, and pasts to be unfolded. The prequel, Adventure of Sinbad, focuses on Sinbad and his early life where he captures his seven dungeons, the start of his trading company, the creation of Sindria, and recruiting his Eight Generals. (en)