South Korea is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. Highly urbanized at 92%, South Koreans lead a distinctive urban lifestyle; half of them live in high-rises concentrated in the Seoul Capital Area with 25 million residents and the world's sixth-leading global city with the fourth-largest economy and seventh-most sustainable city in the world. Driven by a highly educated and skilled workforce, it has the world's eighth-highest median household income, the highest in Asia, and its singles in particular earn more than all G7 nations. Globally, it ranks highly in personal safety, job security, and healthcare quality, with the world's third-highest health adjusted life expectancy and fourth-most efficient healthcare system. It is the world's largest spender on R&D per GDP, leading the OECD in graduates in science and engineering and ranking third in the Youth Wellbeing Index. Home of Samsung, LG and Hyundai-Kia, South Korea was named the world's most innovative country in the Bloomberg Innovation Index, ranking first in business R&D intensity and patents filed per GDP. As of 2014, it has the world's fastest Internet speed and highest smartphone ownership, ranking first in ICT Development, e-Government and 4G LTE coverage. For further information on the types of business entities in this country and their abbreviations, see "Business entities in South Korea". (en)
Ini adalah daftar perusahaan dari Korea Selatan. Lihat daftar perusahaan untuk daftar perusahaan dari negara lainnya. (in)
Ini adalah daftar perusahaan dari Korea Selatan. Lihat daftar perusahaan untuk daftar perusahaan dari negara lainnya. (in)
韓国の代表的な企業一覧は、韓国を代表する企業を一覧にしたリスト。 (ja)
South Korea is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. Highly urbanized at 92%, South Koreans lead a distinctive urban lifestyle; half of them live in high-rises concentrated in the Seoul Capital Area with 25 million residents and the world's sixth-leading global city with the fourth-largest economy and seventh-most sustainable city in the world. For further information on the types of business entities in this country and their abbreviations, see "Business entities in South Korea". (en)
이 목록은 언제든 바뀔 수 있는 주제로, 내용이 완벽하지 않을 수 있습니다. 만약 사실과 다른 내용이 있거나 빠진 내용이 있다면 직접 편집해 주세요. 아래는 대한민국에 소재한 기업을 가나다, 알파벳 순으로 나열한 목록이다. * * * 게임파크 * 광동제약 * 광주도시관리공사 * * 고려대학교 * 고려은단 * 고려이앤씨 * 고영테크놀러지 * 공익광고협의회 * * * 국도화학 * 국순당 * 국정교과서 (단체) * 교보문고 * 교보생명보험 * 교원그룹 * 교원구몬 * 교학사 * 경남기업 * 경민대학교 * 경방 * 경인교육대학교 * 경인여자대학교 * 국민건강보험 * 국민대학교 * 국민은행 (KB) * 국민일보 * 국수나무 * * 귀뚜라미 * 그라비티 * 그랜드마트 * 그랜드백화점 * * 그린스토어 * 그랜드코리아레저 * * * 금복주 * 금호건설 * 금호미쓰이화학 * 금호리조트 * 금호산업 * 금호석유화학 * 금호석유화학그룹 * 금호아시아나그룹 * 금호타이어 * 금호폴리켐 * 금호피앤비화학 * 기상청 * 기륭전자 * 기아(현대자동차그룹) * 경동나비엔 * 경향신문 * 깨끗한나라 * * 나라케이아이씨 * 나이스신용평가 * 나이스평가정보 * 남양유업 * 남해화학 * 네오위즈홀딩스 * 네이버 * 넥센타이어 * 넥슨 * 넷마블게임즈 * 넷피아 * 뉴스타운 * 뉴데일리 * 노컷뉴스 * * * 녹십자 * 농심 * 농심켈로그 * 농우바이오 * 농협 * * 다나와 (ko)