The Tight Rope is an American weekly podcast hosted by Cornel West and Tricia Rose. The show is produced by Ceyanna Dent and Dustin Hodge for SpkerBox Media. The program primarily consists of interviews with political figures, thought leaders, actors, directors, and musicians.The Tight Rope has featured a number of notable guests, including Mayim Bialik, Noam Chomsky, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Patricia Arquette, Rakim, Common, Daveed Diggs, Killer Mike, and Jane Fonda. The Tight Rope was first released on July 23, 2020 and ran until September 9, 2021.
The Tight Rope is an American weekly podcast hosted by Cornel West and Tricia Rose. The show is produced by Ceyanna Dent and Dustin Hodge for SpkerBox Media. The program primarily consists of interviews with political figures, thought leaders, actors, directors, and musicians.The Tight Rope has featured a number of notable guests, including Mayim Bialik, Noam Chomsky, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Patricia Arquette, Rakim, Common, Daveed Diggs, Killer Mike, and Jane Fonda. The Tight Rope was first released on July 23, 2020 and ran until September 9, 2021. (en)
The Tight Rope is an American weekly podcast hosted by Cornel West and Tricia Rose. The show is produced by Ceyanna Dent and Dustin Hodge for SpkerBox Media. The program primarily consists of interviews with political figures, thought leaders, actors, directors, and musicians.The Tight Rope has featured a number of notable guests, including Mayim Bialik, Noam Chomsky, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Patricia Arquette, Rakim, Common, Daveed Diggs, Killer Mike, and Jane Fonda. The Tight Rope was first released on July 23, 2020 and ran until September 9, 2021. (en)