Aquesta llista d'ocells de l'Índia inclou totes les espècies d'ocells trobats a l'Índia: 1302, de les quals 43 en són endemismes, 3 en són endemismes reproductors, 82 es troben globalment amenaçades d'extinció i 1 hi fou introduïda. Els ocells s'ordenen per ordre i família. (ca)
This is a list of the bird species of India and includes extant and recently extinct species recorded within the political limits of the Republic of India as defined by the Indian government are known to have 1364 species as of 2021, of which 81 are endemic to the country. 212 species are globally threatened. The Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) is the national bird of India. This list does not cover species in Indian jurisdiction areas such as Dakshin Gangotri and oceanic species are delineated by an arbitrary cutoff distance. The list does not include fossil bird species or escapees from captivity. This list's taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families and species) and nomenclature (common and scientific names) follow the conventions of the IOC World Bird List, version 11.2. This list also uses British English throughout. Any bird names or other wording follows that convention. The following tags have been used to highlight several categories. The commonly occurring native species do not fit within any of these categories. * (V) Vagrant - Also known as a rarity, it refers to a species that rarely or accidentally occurs in India-typically less than ten confirmed records. * (E) Endemic - a species endemic to India * (Ex) Extirpated - a species that no longer occurs in India although populations exist elsewhere (en)
Ceci est une liste non exhaustive des oiseaux endémiques ou quasi endémiques de l'Inde. * Portail de l'ornithologie * Portail de l’Inde (fr)
Це перелік видів птахів, зафіксованих на території Індії. Авіфауна Індії налічує загалом 1357 видів, з яких 81 вид є ендемічним, 212 видів перебувають під загрозою глобального вимирання. (uk)
Aquesta llista d'ocells de l'Índia inclou totes les espècies d'ocells trobats a l'Índia: 1302, de les quals 43 en són endemismes, 3 en són endemismes reproductors, 82 es troben globalment amenaçades d'extinció i 1 hi fou introduïda. Els ocells s'ordenen per ordre i família. (ca)
Ceci est une liste non exhaustive des oiseaux endémiques ou quasi endémiques de l'Inde. * Portail de l'ornithologie * Portail de l’Inde (fr)
Це перелік видів птахів, зафіксованих на території Індії. Авіфауна Індії налічує загалом 1357 видів, з яких 81 вид є ендемічним, 212 видів перебувають під загрозою глобального вимирання. (uk)
This is a list of the bird species of India and includes extant and recently extinct species recorded within the political limits of the Republic of India as defined by the Indian government are known to have 1364 species as of 2021, of which 81 are endemic to the country. 212 species are globally threatened. The Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) is the national bird of India. This list does not cover species in Indian jurisdiction areas such as Dakshin Gangotri and oceanic species are delineated by an arbitrary cutoff distance. The list does not include fossil bird species or escapees from captivity. (en)