Die königlich thailändische Regierung hat seit dem „Restructuring of Government Agencies Act 2002“ 20 Ministerien und Minister. (de)
The Government Ministries of Thailand (Thai: กระทรวง: Krasuang) are the government agencies that compose the executive branch of the Government of Thailand. Each ministry is headed by a minister of state (Thai: รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวง, RTGS: Ratthamontri Wa Kan Krasuang) and, depending on the prime minister, several deputy ministers (Thai: รัฐมนตรีช่วยว่าการกระทรวง) . The combined heads of these agencies form the Cabinet of Thailand. There are 19 ministries. The combined employees of these departments make up the civil service of Thailand. (en)
태국 정부부처(태국어: กระทรวง)는 태국 정부의 행정기관을 구성하는 정부 기관이다. 각 부처는 국무성장관이 위원장을 맡고 있으며, 총리에 따라 몇 명의 차관급 장관들이 맡고 있다. 이들 기관의 총수가 태국의 내각을 구성한다. 태국의 정부에는 19개 부처가 있다. 이들 부서의 직원들은 모두 태국의 공무원을 구성하고 있다. (ko)