Argentina is subdivided into twenty-three provinces, each of it counting with its own governor. The country is organized under a federal system, so each province has its own constitution, and the powers and regulations of each governor vary. Buenos Aires is not a province, nor is it part of Buenos Aires Province. The 1994 amendment of the Constitution of Argentina made it an autonomous city, with its own constitution, ruled by an elected mayor (Buenos Aires City Chief of Government). A governor may be removed by the national government in the case of great turmoil, or if the legitimate governor had been illegally removed, for example, by a coup d'état. The President of Argentina would ask in this case for the Federal intervention of the province, which must be approved by the National Congress of Argentina. (en)
Cette page dresse la liste des gouverneurs actuels des 24 provinces de l’Argentine (les 23 gouverneurs au sens strict + le chef de gouvernement de la ville autonome de Buenos Aires). (fr)
阿根廷有24个国家选区。其中,23个区对应于组成阿根廷联邦省份,其行政权由一位具有省长(西班牙語:Gobernador)头衔的人负责。另一个选区是布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市,其行政权由一位政府首脑(西班牙語:Jefe de Gobierno)负责。上述职位的性质、期限和权利由各省或布宜诺斯艾利斯市的宪法决定。除科连特斯省和圣地亚哥-德尔埃斯特罗省外的地区在选举国家总统的同一年选举行政首长。 (zh)
Cette page dresse la liste des gouverneurs actuels des 24 provinces de l’Argentine (les 23 gouverneurs au sens strict + le chef de gouvernement de la ville autonome de Buenos Aires). (fr)
阿根廷有24个国家选区。其中,23个区对应于组成阿根廷联邦省份,其行政权由一位具有省长(西班牙語:Gobernador)头衔的人负责。另一个选区是布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市,其行政权由一位政府首脑(西班牙語:Jefe de Gobierno)负责。上述职位的性质、期限和权利由各省或布宜诺斯艾利斯市的宪法决定。除科连特斯省和圣地亚哥-德尔埃斯特罗省外的地区在选举国家总统的同一年选举行政首长。 (zh)
Argentina is subdivided into twenty-three provinces, each of it counting with its own governor. The country is organized under a federal system, so each province has its own constitution, and the powers and regulations of each governor vary. Buenos Aires is not a province, nor is it part of Buenos Aires Province. The 1994 amendment of the Constitution of Argentina made it an autonomous city, with its own constitution, ruled by an elected mayor (Buenos Aires City Chief of Government). (en)