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Repertori complet de la banda sonora que inclou el videojoc musical Guitar Hero 5, cinquè títol principal de la saga Guitar Hero. Desenvolupar l'empresa amb la col·laboració de i , i distribuït per Activision i , es tracta d'un videojoc musical on un màxim de quatre jugadors poden simular que toquen els instruments (micròfon, guitarra, baix i bateria) d'un grup de rock amb qualsevol combinació entre ells. El seu llançament es va produir l'1 de setembre de 2009 als Estats Units. El videojoc està disponible per les consoles PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 i Wii. És el primer videojoc de la saga que permet reutilitzar cançons d'edicions anteriors. La majoria de contingut descarregable del Guitar Hero World Tour es pot utilitzar en el Guitar Hero 5 mitjançant un petit cànon a causa del traspàs de les llicències de les cançons. (ca) Guitar Hero 5 is the fifth main title in the Guitar Hero series of rhythm games, released worldwide in September 2009 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and 3 and Wii consoles. In the game, players use special instrument controllers to simulate the playing of lead and bass guitar, drums, and vocals for rock and other songs. Players are awarded points by performing specific actions on the controllers to match notes that scroll on screen that correspond with the appropriate instrument. Successfully hitting notes increases the player's scoring and performance meter, while missing too many notes will lower the performance meter and may cause the song to end prematurely. Songs can be played either by oneself, competitively with other players in several game modes, or cooperative with up to three other players in their own virtual band. Although traditionally a four-player band can have one player on each instrument, Guitar Hero 5 allows any four-player combination of these instruments to be used, such as a band composed of four drummers. Guitar Hero 5 is considered by its developers to be an expansion of the series into more "social play", featuring modes such as Party Play, which allows players to drop in and out and change difficulty in the middle of a song without worrying about failing or losing points.Guitar Hero 5 is distributed with 85 songs on-disc, many being from artists that have yet to have their music featured in a rhythm video game, and more than half having been published in the last decade. The setlist was considered the weakest part of the game; although it was praised for its diversity, critics believed that the widely varying genres represented would mean that players would not enjoy every song in the game. Guitar Hero 5 is the first game in the series to reuse content from previous Guitar Hero games. Most of the existing downloadable content for Guitar Hero World Tour can be reused in Guitar Hero 5 without additional cost, while for a small fee, players can import a selection of songs from Guitar Hero World Tour and Guitar Hero Smash Hits into Guitar Hero 5. Such content is incorporated into the main game modes. Critics praised the ability to reuse content from older games, but felt that more songs should have been transferable when the game was launched. Activision no longer provides new downloadable content for Guitar Hero 5 since the release of Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock in September 2010. (en) |
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Repertori complet de la banda sonora que inclou el videojoc musical Guitar Hero 5, cinquè títol principal de la saga Guitar Hero. Desenvolupar l'empresa amb la col·laboració de i , i distribuït per Activision i , es tracta d'un videojoc musical on un màxim de quatre jugadors poden simular que toquen els instruments (micròfon, guitarra, baix i bateria) d'un grup de rock amb qualsevol combinació entre ells. El seu llançament es va produir l'1 de setembre de 2009 als Estats Units. El videojoc està disponible per les consoles PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 i Wii. És el primer videojoc de la saga que permet reutilitzar cançons d'edicions anteriors. La majoria de contingut descarregable del Guitar Hero World Tour es pot utilitzar en el Guitar Hero 5 mitjançant un petit cànon a causa de (ca) Guitar Hero 5 is the fifth main title in the Guitar Hero series of rhythm games, released worldwide in September 2009 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and 3 and Wii consoles. In the game, players use special instrument controllers to simulate the playing of lead and bass guitar, drums, and vocals for rock and other songs. Players are awarded points by performing specific actions on the controllers to match notes that scroll on screen that correspond with the appropriate instrument. Successfully hitting notes increases the player's scoring and performance meter, while missing too many notes will lower the performance meter and may cause the song to end prematurely. Songs can be played either by oneself, competitively with other players in several game modes, or cooperative with up to three o (en) |