- نفايات مشعة منخفضة المستوى هي نفايات نووية لا تنسجم مع التعريفات الفئوية للنفايات المشعة متوسطة المستوى، والنفايات عالية المستوى، والوقود النووي المستهلك، والنفايات العابرة للحدود، أو بعض النفايات المنتجة من مواد الثانوية مثل مخلفات تعدين اليورانيوم. (ar)
- Low-level waste (LLW) or Low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) is nuclear waste that does not fit into the categorical definitions for intermediate-level waste (ILW), high-level waste (HLW), spent nuclear fuel (SNF), transuranic waste (TRU), or certain byproduct materials known as 11e(2) wastes, such as uranium mill tailings. In essence, it is a definition by exclusion, and LLW is that category of radioactive wastes that do not fit into the other categories. If LLW is mixed with hazardous wastes as classified by RCRA, then it has a special status as mixed low-level waste (MLLW) and must satisfy treatment, storage, and disposal regulations both as LLW and as hazardous waste. While the bulk of LLW is not highly radioactive, the definition of LLW does not include references to its activity, and some LLW may be quite radioactive, as in the case of radioactive sources used in industry and medicine. LLW includes items that have become contaminated with radioactive material or have become radioactive through exposure to neutron radiation. This waste typically consists of contaminated protective shoe covers and clothing, wiping rags, mops, filters, reactor water treatment residues, equipments and tools, luminous dials, medical tubes, swabs, injection needles, syringes, and laboratory animal carcasses and tissues. The radioactivity can range from just above background levels found in nature to very highly radioactive in certain cases such as parts from inside the reactor vessel in a nuclear power plant. The definition of low-level waste is set by the nuclear regulators of individual countries, though the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provides recommendations. Some countries, such as France, specify categories for long-lived low- and intermediate-level waste. U.S. regulations do not define the category of intermediate-level waste. (en)
- 低放射性廢物(英文:Low-level waste,縮寫:LLW)是除中等放射性廢物、高放射性廢物、乏燃料、超鈾元素廢料以及濃縮鈾工廠邊角料(uranium mill tailings)之外所有放射性核廢料的總稱。如果低放射性廢物同其他有害化學品混在一起,則在處理、儲藏和廢棄處置時必須同時滿足低放射性廢物和有害化學品的監管要求。在技術上,各國對低放射性廢物的放射性有不同的數值定義。國際原子能機構提供劃分方面的指導。 (zh)
- نفايات مشعة منخفضة المستوى هي نفايات نووية لا تنسجم مع التعريفات الفئوية للنفايات المشعة متوسطة المستوى، والنفايات عالية المستوى، والوقود النووي المستهلك، والنفايات العابرة للحدود، أو بعض النفايات المنتجة من مواد الثانوية مثل مخلفات تعدين اليورانيوم. (ar)
- 低放射性廢物(英文:Low-level waste,縮寫:LLW)是除中等放射性廢物、高放射性廢物、乏燃料、超鈾元素廢料以及濃縮鈾工廠邊角料(uranium mill tailings)之外所有放射性核廢料的總稱。如果低放射性廢物同其他有害化學品混在一起,則在處理、儲藏和廢棄處置時必須同時滿足低放射性廢物和有害化學品的監管要求。在技術上,各國對低放射性廢物的放射性有不同的數值定義。國際原子能機構提供劃分方面的指導。 (zh)
- Low-level waste (LLW) or Low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) is nuclear waste that does not fit into the categorical definitions for intermediate-level waste (ILW), high-level waste (HLW), spent nuclear fuel (SNF), transuranic waste (TRU), or certain byproduct materials known as 11e(2) wastes, such as uranium mill tailings. In essence, it is a definition by exclusion, and LLW is that category of radioactive wastes that do not fit into the other categories. If LLW is mixed with hazardous wastes as classified by RCRA, then it has a special status as mixed low-level waste (MLLW) and must satisfy treatment, storage, and disposal regulations both as LLW and as hazardous waste. While the bulk of LLW is not highly radioactive, the definition of LLW does not include references to its activity, and (en)