- مات ريس (بالإنجليزية: Matt Rees) (1967 في نيوبورت - ) صحفي، وكاتب، وروائي من المملكة المتحدة. (ar)
- Matt Beynon Rees (* 1967 in Newport, Wales) ist ein walisischer Journalist und Schriftsteller. (de)
- Matthew Beynon Rees is a Welsh novelist and journalist. He is the author of The Palestine Quartet, a series of crime novels about Omar Yussef, a Palestinian sleuth, and of historical novels and thrillers. He is the winner of a Crime Writers Association Dagger for his crime fiction in the UK and a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award for fiction in the US. His latest novel is the international thriller China Strike, the second in a series about an agent with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His first book was a work of nonfiction, Cain's Field: Faith, Fratricide, and Fear in the Middle East in 2004 (Free Press), about Israeli and Palestinian societies. The New York Times called The Collaborator of Bethlehem, the first of his Palestinian crime novels about Bethlehem sleuth Omar Yussef, "an astonishing first novel." 'Le Figaro called the book "a masterpiece." Rees's writing has been compared with the work of Graham Greene, John le Carré, Georges Simenon and Henning Mankell. The French magazine L'Express called him "the Dashiell Hammett of Palestine." Rees's books have sold in 25 languages. Rees was born in Newport, Wales. As a journalist, Rees covered the Middle East and lived in Jerusalem for 20 years. He was TIME's Jerusalem bureau chief from 2000 until 2006, writing award-winning stories about the Palestinian intifada. He also worked as Middle East correspondent for The Scotsman and Newsweek. He is married to the American humorist and author Devorah Blachor. (en)
- Matt Rees est un écrivain et journaliste britannique né à Newport au Pays-de-Galles. Après avoir été correspondant de presse pour plusieurs journaux dont Time Magazine à Jérusalem entre 2000 et 2006, il est devenu écrivain de romans policiers dont l'intrigue se déroule dans les territoires palestiniens. (fr)
- マット・ベイノン・リース(Matt Beynon Rees、1967年 - )は、イギリスの作家。南ウェールズ・ニューポート生まれ。 (ja)
- مات ريس (بالإنجليزية: Matt Rees) (1967 في نيوبورت - ) صحفي، وكاتب، وروائي من المملكة المتحدة. (ar)
- Matt Beynon Rees (* 1967 in Newport, Wales) ist ein walisischer Journalist und Schriftsteller. (de)
- Matt Rees est un écrivain et journaliste britannique né à Newport au Pays-de-Galles. Après avoir été correspondant de presse pour plusieurs journaux dont Time Magazine à Jérusalem entre 2000 et 2006, il est devenu écrivain de romans policiers dont l'intrigue se déroule dans les territoires palestiniens. (fr)
- マット・ベイノン・リース(Matt Beynon Rees、1967年 - )は、イギリスの作家。南ウェールズ・ニューポート生まれ。 (ja)
- Matthew Beynon Rees is a Welsh novelist and journalist. He is the author of The Palestine Quartet, a series of crime novels about Omar Yussef, a Palestinian sleuth, and of historical novels and thrillers. He is the winner of a Crime Writers Association Dagger for his crime fiction in the UK and a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award for fiction in the US. His latest novel is the international thriller China Strike, the second in a series about an agent with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (en)