- Imelda Mary Read (born 8 January 1939), known as Mel Read, is a British politician who served in the European Parliament. Read was educated at and the University of Nottingham, before becoming a laboratory technician, then an employment officer, and a lecturer. At the 1979 general election, she stood unsuccessfully for the Labour Party in Melton, and at the 1983 general election, she was unsuccessful in North West Leicestershire. Read became an MEP in 1989, representing first Leicester and then Nottingham and Leicestershire North West until 1999. She served as a quaestor for part of this period. From 1999, she represented the enlarged seat of the East Midlands. She stood down at the 2004 European election, at which time she was elected as President of the European Cervical Cancer Association. Read then resigned from the role in 2008 (en)
- Imelda Mary Read dite Mel Read, née le 8 janvier 1939 à Hillingdon, est une femme politique britannique. Membre du Parti travailliste, elle est députée européenne de 1989 à 2004. (fr)
- Imelda Mary „Mel” Read (ur. 8 stycznia 1939 w Hillingdon) – brytyjska polityk, od 1989 do 2004 deputowana do Parlamentu Europejskiego trzech kadencji. (pl)
- Imelda Mary Read dite Mel Read, née le 8 janvier 1939 à Hillingdon, est une femme politique britannique. Membre du Parti travailliste, elle est députée européenne de 1989 à 2004. (fr)
- Imelda Mary „Mel” Read (ur. 8 stycznia 1939 w Hillingdon) – brytyjska polityk, od 1989 do 2004 deputowana do Parlamentu Europejskiego trzech kadencji. (pl)
- Imelda Mary Read (born 8 January 1939), known as Mel Read, is a British politician who served in the European Parliament. Read was educated at and the University of Nottingham, before becoming a laboratory technician, then an employment officer, and a lecturer. At the 1979 general election, she stood unsuccessfully for the Labour Party in Melton, and at the 1983 general election, she was unsuccessful in North West Leicestershire. (en)