In American network television scheduling, a mid-season replacement is a television show that premieres in the second half of the traditional television season, usually between December and May. Mid-season replacements usually take place after a show that was in the fall schedule was canceled or put on hiatus, outside factors such as an actor's family emergency or personal illness led to a delay in the program's debut, a program was purposefully scheduled for mid-season (for example, shows NBC airs on Sunday nights after the NFL season ends, as it only takes up the first half of the television season), or a program had a shortened season for some other reason which resulted in a time slot that needed filling. A few shows in American television history have been perennial mid-season replacements. For example, American Idol aired from January to May each year from its second season onward, to great ratings success. An older and related concept is the summer replacement, which debuts between May and August, when a network's fall schedule is on hiatus. Summer replacements tend to be lower-profile shows with either low budgets or minimal prospects for renewal. (en)
Nel panorama televisivo statunitense e canadese, il termine midseason replacement indica il debutto di una nuova serie televisiva nella seconda metà della stagione televisiva tradizionale, solitamente tra i mesi di gennaio e maggio. Casi di midseason replacement accadono normalmente quando un precedente show viene cancellato dai palinsesti, ridotto nel numero degli episodi o messo in pausa di lavorazione, o quando per un qualsiasi altro motivo c'è un intervallo di tempo nei palinsesti che ha bisogno di essere riempito. (it)
Замена в середине сезона (англ. Midseason replacement) — термин, которым в американском и канадском телевидении обозначают телесериал или телешоу, премьера которого происходит не осенью (в начале нового телесезона), а, как правило, в период с января по май. Шоу в середине сезона обычно заменяют закрытые по той или иной причине или просто завершившие свой сезон телепроекты. Какое шоу будет стартовать в начале сезона, а какое в середине, телеканалы обычно объявляют на майских апфронтах. (ru)
Nel panorama televisivo statunitense e canadese, il termine midseason replacement indica il debutto di una nuova serie televisiva nella seconda metà della stagione televisiva tradizionale, solitamente tra i mesi di gennaio e maggio. Casi di midseason replacement accadono normalmente quando un precedente show viene cancellato dai palinsesti, ridotto nel numero degli episodi o messo in pausa di lavorazione, o quando per un qualsiasi altro motivo c'è un intervallo di tempo nei palinsesti che ha bisogno di essere riempito. (it)
Замена в середине сезона (англ. Midseason replacement) — термин, которым в американском и канадском телевидении обозначают телесериал или телешоу, премьера которого происходит не осенью (в начале нового телесезона), а, как правило, в период с января по май. Шоу в середине сезона обычно заменяют закрытые по той или иной причине или просто завершившие свой сезон телепроекты. Какое шоу будет стартовать в начале сезона, а какое в середине, телеканалы обычно объявляют на майских апфронтах. (ru)
In American network television scheduling, a mid-season replacement is a television show that premieres in the second half of the traditional television season, usually between December and May. Mid-season replacements usually take place after a show that was in the fall schedule was canceled or put on hiatus, outside factors such as an actor's family emergency or personal illness led to a delay in the program's debut, a program was purposefully scheduled for mid-season (for example, shows NBC airs on Sunday nights after the NFL season ends, as it only takes up the first half of the television season), or a program had a shortened season for some other reason which resulted in a time slot that needed filling. A few shows in American television history have been perennial mid-season replace (en)