- مينغ داو (بالصينية: 明道) هو ممثل ومغني وعارض أزياء تايواني ولد في يوم 26 فبراير 1980 في مدينة تايبيه عاصمة تايوان. بدأ التمثيل في سنة 1999. (ar)
- Ming Dao, también conocido como Dow Ming (chino: 明道, pinyin: Dao Ming, nacido el 26 de febrero de 1980), es un cantante, actor, modelo y presentador de televisión taiwanés, cuyo nombre verdadero es Lin Chao Zhang. (es)
- Ming Dao (Chinese: 明道; pinyin: Míng Dào; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Bêng Tō; born 26 February 1980) is a Taiwanese actor, singer and model. He is known for starring in The Prince Who Turns into a Frog, which held the highest single episode average rating of 6.99 for a Taiwanese drama from 2005 to 2008, and for being the winner of Best Host in Educational Programme at the 39th Golden Bell Awards. (en)
- Ming Dao (Hanzi: 明道; Pinyin: Míng Dào; lahir 26 Februari 1980) adalah seorang pemeran, penyanyi dan model asal Taiwan. Ia dikenal karena tampil dalam The Prince Who Turns into a Frog (in)
- ミン・ダオ(明道、本名:リン・チャオチャン(林朝章)、1980年2月26日 - )は台湾の俳優。のメンバー。 (ja)
- Ming Dao, conosciuto anche come Ming Dow (caratteri cinesi: 明道; pinyin: Míng Dào; Taiwan, 26 febbraio 1980), è un cantante, attore, modello, e conduttore televisivo taiwanese, il cui nome di nascita è Lin Chao Zhang. Ha debuttato in televisione conducendo lo show The King of Adventure, sul canale SETTV. Nel 2004 ha debuttato come attore nella serie televisiva Heaven's Wedding Gown (天國的嫁衣), seguita l'anno successivo dal ruolo di protagonista maschile nel famoso The Prince Who Turns into a Frog (王子變青蛙). Quest'ultimo drama ha superato il record di ascolti dell'8.05, precedentemente detenuto da Meteor Garden, e divenne il Drama taiwanese con gli indici più alti della storia finché non fu superato, nel 2008, da Fated to Love You. Il 2004 è stato anche l'anno del debutto dei 183 Club, gruppo musicale di cui Ming Dao è membro. (it)
- 明道(1980年2月26日-),本名林朝章,身高183公分,臺灣男演員、歌手,是旗下艺人,跨足偶像劇、時裝劇、古裝劇及武俠劇等各類戲劇的拍攝。因主持旅遊節目《冒險王》走紅,並於2004年憑該節目獲得第39屆金鐘獎「文教資訊節目主持人獎」,成為史上最年輕獲得金鐘獎的主持人。2004年涉足影视剧至今已拍攝多部戲劇及电影作品。 (zh)
- مينغ داو (بالصينية: 明道) هو ممثل ومغني وعارض أزياء تايواني ولد في يوم 26 فبراير 1980 في مدينة تايبيه عاصمة تايوان. بدأ التمثيل في سنة 1999. (ar)
- Ming Dao, también conocido como Dow Ming (chino: 明道, pinyin: Dao Ming, nacido el 26 de febrero de 1980), es un cantante, actor, modelo y presentador de televisión taiwanés, cuyo nombre verdadero es Lin Chao Zhang. (es)
- Ming Dao (Chinese: 明道; pinyin: Míng Dào; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Bêng Tō; born 26 February 1980) is a Taiwanese actor, singer and model. He is known for starring in The Prince Who Turns into a Frog, which held the highest single episode average rating of 6.99 for a Taiwanese drama from 2005 to 2008, and for being the winner of Best Host in Educational Programme at the 39th Golden Bell Awards. (en)
- Ming Dao (Hanzi: 明道; Pinyin: Míng Dào; lahir 26 Februari 1980) adalah seorang pemeran, penyanyi dan model asal Taiwan. Ia dikenal karena tampil dalam The Prince Who Turns into a Frog (in)
- ミン・ダオ(明道、本名:リン・チャオチャン(林朝章)、1980年2月26日 - )は台湾の俳優。のメンバー。 (ja)
- 明道(1980年2月26日-),本名林朝章,身高183公分,臺灣男演員、歌手,是旗下艺人,跨足偶像劇、時裝劇、古裝劇及武俠劇等各類戲劇的拍攝。因主持旅遊節目《冒險王》走紅,並於2004年憑該節目獲得第39屆金鐘獎「文教資訊節目主持人獎」,成為史上最年輕獲得金鐘獎的主持人。2004年涉足影视剧至今已拍攝多部戲劇及电影作品。 (zh)
- Ming Dao, conosciuto anche come Ming Dow (caratteri cinesi: 明道; pinyin: Míng Dào; Taiwan, 26 febbraio 1980), è un cantante, attore, modello, e conduttore televisivo taiwanese, il cui nome di nascita è Lin Chao Zhang. (it)