This article lists all the films and television specials based on Monster High, an American fashion doll and media franchise created by Garret Sander, illustrated by Kellee Riley and Glen Hanson and launched by Mattel on June 11, 2010. These films and television specials were broadcast on Nickelodeon in the United States and released on home video formats by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment until 2017. In 2016, Mattel rebooted the franchise with the release of an origin story film special titled "Welcome to Monster High", using updated animation modules and technologies, which released the following year. On February 23, 2021, Mattel, through its television division announced a second relaunch with an animated TV series and a live-action musical film based on the franchise, which is released on both Nickelodeon and Paramount+ in the United States in October 2022. (en)