Die Motorpoint Arena Cardiff ist eine Mehrzweckhalle mit Kongresszentrum in der walisischen Hauptstadt Cardiff, Vereinigtes Königreich. (de)
Cardiff International Arena (formerly known as Cardiff International Arena & Convention Centre and later, for sponsorship reasons, Motorpoint Arena Cardiff) is an indoor exhibition centre and events arena located in Cardiff, Wales, and was opened on 10 September 1993 by singer Shirley Bassey. It is Cardiff's largest purpose-built exhibition facility and its former name was due to a sponsorship agreement from 2011 to 2022. The upstairs of the building is known as the World Trade Centre. The arena contains a number of function areas, the largest being the main arena which has hosted many national and international events, such as concerts, sports and comedy performances. (en)
Motorpoint Arena Cardiff (voorheen bekend als Cardiff International Arena en ook als de CIA ) is een overdekt expositiecentrum en evenementenarena in Cardiff, de hoofdstad van Wales. De arena werd op 10 september 1993 geopend door zanger Shirley Bassey . De huidige naam is te danken aan een vijfjarige sponsorovereenkomst. Het is de grootste tentoonstellingsfaciliteit van Cardiff. De bovenverdieping van het gebouw staat bekend als het World Trade Center. (nl)
Motorpoint Arena Cardiff (anteriormente conhecida como Cardiff International Arena) é uma arena multi-uso, centro de exposições e eventos indoor, localizada em Cardiff, capital de Gales e foi inaugurada em 10 setembro de 1993, por Shirley Bassey, na frente de 5.500 fãs. A arena contém várias áreas, sendo a maior a Arena Principal. A arena recebeu muitos eventos nacionais e internacionais, tais como concertos, esportes e espetáculos de comédia. O Cardiff International Arena foi inaugurado em 10 de setembro de 1993, por Shirley Bassey, na frente de 5.500 fãs. Em 1 de Março de 2011, o Cardiff International Arena foi rebatizado oficialmente Motorpoint Arena Cardiff, após a empresa de venda de carros, com uma filial em Newport, comprar os direitos do nome da Arena Internacional de Cardiff por cinco anos, no que foi chamado de "um investimento de sete dígitos". (pt)
Motorpoint Arena Cardiff (dawna nazwa - Cardiff International Arena) - kryty obiekt znajdujący się w Cardiff, stolicy Walii. Na obiekcie odbywają się wystawy, koncerty (np. w 2008 odbył się koncert Queen + Paul Rodgers), imprezy sportowe i występy komediowe. (pl)
Die Motorpoint Arena Cardiff ist eine Mehrzweckhalle mit Kongresszentrum in der walisischen Hauptstadt Cardiff, Vereinigtes Königreich. (de)
Motorpoint Arena Cardiff (voorheen bekend als Cardiff International Arena en ook als de CIA ) is een overdekt expositiecentrum en evenementenarena in Cardiff, de hoofdstad van Wales. De arena werd op 10 september 1993 geopend door zanger Shirley Bassey . De huidige naam is te danken aan een vijfjarige sponsorovereenkomst. Het is de grootste tentoonstellingsfaciliteit van Cardiff. De bovenverdieping van het gebouw staat bekend als het World Trade Center. (nl)
Motorpoint Arena Cardiff (dawna nazwa - Cardiff International Arena) - kryty obiekt znajdujący się w Cardiff, stolicy Walii. Na obiekcie odbywają się wystawy, koncerty (np. w 2008 odbył się koncert Queen + Paul Rodgers), imprezy sportowe i występy komediowe. (pl)
Cardiff International Arena (formerly known as Cardiff International Arena & Convention Centre and later, for sponsorship reasons, Motorpoint Arena Cardiff) is an indoor exhibition centre and events arena located in Cardiff, Wales, and was opened on 10 September 1993 by singer Shirley Bassey. It is Cardiff's largest purpose-built exhibition facility and its former name was due to a sponsorship agreement from 2011 to 2022. The upstairs of the building is known as the World Trade Centre. (en)
Motorpoint Arena Cardiff (anteriormente conhecida como Cardiff International Arena) é uma arena multi-uso, centro de exposições e eventos indoor, localizada em Cardiff, capital de Gales e foi inaugurada em 10 setembro de 1993, por Shirley Bassey, na frente de 5.500 fãs. A arena contém várias áreas, sendo a maior a Arena Principal. A arena recebeu muitos eventos nacionais e internacionais, tais como concertos, esportes e espetáculos de comédia. (pt)