Muhammad 'Abid al-Sindi (original) (raw)
Muhammad 'Abid al-Sindi al-Ansari (Arabic: محمد عابد السندي الأنصاري), was a Hanafi jurist (faqih), hadith expert (muhaddith), judge (qadi), and the shaykh of the 'ulama of his time in the city of Madina during the Ottoman Caliphate. His lineage reaches back to Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. He has followed the Naqshbandi Sufi path. He was appointed qadi of Zabid. In 1232 A.H. he was appointed the leader of the scholars of Madina by the ruler of Egypt, Muhammad 'Ali Pasha. His grandfather migrated to Middle East and he was known as Shaykh al-Islam.