Murepavadin (original) (raw)

Murepavadin also known as POL7080 is a Pseudomonas specific peptidomimetic antibiotic. It is a synthetic cyclic beta hairpin peptidomimetic based on the cationic antimicrobial peptide protegrin I (PG-1) and the first example of an outer membrane protein-targeting antibiotic class with a novel, nonlytic mechanism of action, highly active and selective against the protein transporter LptD of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In preclinical studies the compound was highly active on a broad panel of clinical isolates including multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas bacteria with outstanding in vivo efficacy in sepsis, lung, and thigh infection models. Intravenous murepavadin is in development for the treatment of bacterial hospital-acquired pneumonia and bacterial ventilator-associated pneumonia due to Pseu
