Never Learn Not to Love (original) (raw)

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«Never Learn Not to Love» es una «canción» grabada por The Beach Boys de su álbum 20/20, además de ser editada como lado B de "Bluebirds over the Mountain". Es un título citado frecuentemente en la biografía del conjunto estadounidense, por estar implicada con Charles Manson, ya que este se adjudicó una versión propia llamada "Cease to Exist", cuando en los créditos solo aparecía Dennis Wilson.​


Property Value
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dbo:abstract „Never Learn Not to Love“ je píseň americké skupiny The Beach Boys. Nahrána byla během září 1968 v soukromém studiu kapely v Los Angeles a vyšla v prosinci téhož roku jako B-strana singlu „Bluebirds over the Mountain“; o dva měsíce později vyšla na albu (verze na albu je o necelou půlminutu delší a obsahuje delší instrumentální intro). Přestože je její autorství oficiálně připisováno Dennisovi Wilsonovi, jednomu z členů kapely, píseň ve skutečnosti vychází z písně „Cease to Exist“, jejíž autorem byl Wilsonův přítel, Charles Manson, později usvědčený zločinec. Manson píseň napsal přímo pro skupinu za účelem zlepšení vztahů mezi jejími členy. Verze, kterou kapela nakonec nahrála, je značně upravená, mj. slova „cease to exist“ z původního názvu byla změněna na „cease to resist“. Mansonova verze písně vyšla na jeho desce (1970). (cs) «Never Learn Not to Love» es una «canción» grabada por The Beach Boys de su álbum 20/20, además de ser editada como lado B de "Bluebirds over the Mountain". Es un título citado frecuentemente en la biografía del conjunto estadounidense, por estar implicada con Charles Manson, ya que este se adjudicó una versión propia llamada "Cease to Exist", cuando en los créditos solo aparecía Dennis Wilson.​ (es) Never Learn Not to Love (euskaraz Inoiz ez ikasi ez maitatzen) 1968ko abenduaren 2an The Beach Boys rock talde amerikarrak grabatutako abesti bat da. Abestia, izatez, Charles Manson kultuko liderrak idatzitako "Cease to Exist" abestiaren bertsio aldatua da. Musikalki, Wilson desbideratu egin zen Mansonen egituratik, eta zubi atal bat gehitu zion. Kaleratu eta bi hilabetera, Beach Boysen estudioko 15. albumean sartu zuten, . Mansonek dirua eta motozikleta bategatik aldatu zuen bere idazketa kreditua. Haserretu egin zen Wilsonek jatorrizko letretako batzuk aldatu zituela jakin zuenean. 1969ko abuztuan, Beach Boysek bere abestia grabatu eta urtebetera, Mansonek eta bere jarraitzaileen gurtzak hainbat hilketa egin zituzten eta hiru hilabete geroago atxilotu zituzten. Mansonen jatorrizko bertsioaren grabazio bat, "Cease to Exist", albumean agertu zen, 1970eko martxoan argitaratua. (eu) Never Learn Not to Love est une chanson du groupe de rock américain The Beach Boys, parue en décembre 1968 en face B du single , puis en février 1969 sur l'album 20/20. Créditée à Dennis Wilson, le batteur du groupe, elle s'inspire en réalité de Cease to Exist, une chanson d'inspiration blues écrite et composée par Charles Manson avant qu'il ne commandite les meurtres qui l'ont rendu célèbre. Elle est retravaillée par Wilson pour l'adapter au son plus pop des Beach Boys, et le nom de Manson ne figure pas dans les crédits du single ni de l'album. La chanson originale apparaît sur l'album de Manson , publié pendant son procès, en 1970. (fr) "Never Learn Not to Love" is a song recorded by the American rock band the Beach Boys that was issued as the B-side to their "Bluebirds over the Mountain" single on December 2, 1968. Credited to Dennis Wilson, the song was an altered version of "Cease to Exist", written by the cult leader Charles Manson. Manson wrote his version of the song specifically for the Beach Boys to record, and his lyrics were meant to address personal tensions he had witnessed between Dennis and his brothers Brian and Carl. Manson did not participate in the recording of "Never Learn Not to Love", held at the Beach Boys' private studio in September 1968. He originally demoed his song to be played on acoustic guitar, but the band changed some of the music by expanding the arrangement and structure. In addition, the lyrics were altered, much to Manson's indignation. By Dennis' account, Manson voluntarily exchanged his official writing credit for a sum of cash and a motorcycle. Conversely, engineer Stephen Desper said that the band omitted Manson's credit as retribution for his thievery. Manson did not mind the changes to the music, but was incensed by the reworked lyrics, which created a rift between him and Dennis. In February 1969, an extended edit of "Never Learn Not to Love" was included on the Beach Boys' album 20/20. The band also performed the song during an April 1969 appearance on The Mike Douglas Show. In August, members of Manson's cult, the Manson Family, committed several murders and were apprehended shortly thereafter. A 1968 recording of Manson's original version of "Cease to Exist" appeared on his debut album Lie: The Love and Terror Cult, released in March 1970. (en) Never Learn Not to Love è un brano musicale registrato dal gruppo musicale pop rock The Beach Boys, accreditato a Dennis Wilson, e pubblicato come lato B del singolo Bluebirds over the Mountain il 2 dicembre 1968. La canzone è in realtà una versione modificata del brano Cease to Exist, composto da Charles Manson, all'epoca un ex detenuto in cerca di una carriera come cantautore. Musicalmente, Wilson deviò dalla struttura di Manson e aggiunse una sezione bridge. Due mesi dopo la pubblicazione, la traccia fu inclusa nel quindicesimo album in studio dei Beach Boys, 20/20. Manson non si vide riconosciuto alcun credito compositivo, ma fu remunerato con una certa somma di denaro e una motocicletta, tuttavia, rimase alquanto risentito quando seppe che Wilson aveva cambiato parte del testo della sua canzone. Nell'agosto 1969, circa un anno dopo che i Beach Boys registrarono il brano, Manson e i suoi seguaci commisero vari omicidi e furono arrestati tre mesi dopo. Una registrazione della versione originale di Manson di Cease to Exist venne inclusa nel suo album di debutto Lie: The Love and Terror Cult, pubblicato nel marzo 1970 mentre era in carcere. (it)
dbo:album dbr:20/20_(The_Beach_Boys_album)
dbo:artist dbr:The_Beach_Boys
dbo:previousWork dbr:Do_It_Again_(Beach_Boys_song)
dbo:producer dbr:Dennis_Wilson
dbo:recordDate 0016-09-11 (xsd:date)
dbo:recordLabel dbr:Capitol_Records
dbo:recordedIn dbr:Beach_Boys_Studio
dbo:releaseDate 1968-12-02 (xsd:date)
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dbo:soundRecording dbr:Never_Learn_Not_to_Love__Sound__1
dbo:subsequentWork dbr:I_Can_Hear_Music
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dbp:aSide "Bluebirds over the Mountain" (en)
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dbp:artist dbr:The_Beach_Boys
dbp:chronology dbr:The_Beach_Boys
dbp:cover Never_Learn_Not_to_Love.jpg (en)
dbp:description Excerpt of the opening verse. (en) Excerpt from Manson's 1968 recording of "Cease to Exist", as released in 1970 for Lie: The Love and Terror Cult. (en)
dbp:filename Never Learn Not to Love.ogg (en) Cease to Exist.ogg (en)
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dbp:prevYear 1968 (xsd:integer)
dbp:producer Dennis Wilson (en)
dbp:quote It's probably the strangest record The Beach Boys have ever made. It really is so odd, disjointed and confusing. I can only see it being a hit because they're here in person [on a tour]. (en)
dbp:recorded 0001-09-11 (xsd:gMonthDay)
dbp:released 1968-12-02 (xsd:date)
dbp:source —Reviewer Penny Valentine in Disc & Music Echo, 1968 (en)
dbp:studio Beach Boys Studio, Los Angeles, California (en)
dbp:title "Never Learn Not to Love" (en) "Cease to Exist" (en)
dbp:type music (en) single (en)
dbp:video "The Gong (Session Highlights)" (en)
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rdfs:comment «Never Learn Not to Love» es una «canción» grabada por The Beach Boys de su álbum 20/20, además de ser editada como lado B de "Bluebirds over the Mountain". Es un título citado frecuentemente en la biografía del conjunto estadounidense, por estar implicada con Charles Manson, ya que este se adjudicó una versión propia llamada "Cease to Exist", cuando en los créditos solo aparecía Dennis Wilson.​ (es) Never Learn Not to Love est une chanson du groupe de rock américain The Beach Boys, parue en décembre 1968 en face B du single , puis en février 1969 sur l'album 20/20. Créditée à Dennis Wilson, le batteur du groupe, elle s'inspire en réalité de Cease to Exist, une chanson d'inspiration blues écrite et composée par Charles Manson avant qu'il ne commandite les meurtres qui l'ont rendu célèbre. Elle est retravaillée par Wilson pour l'adapter au son plus pop des Beach Boys, et le nom de Manson ne figure pas dans les crédits du single ni de l'album. La chanson originale apparaît sur l'album de Manson , publié pendant son procès, en 1970. (fr) „Never Learn Not to Love“ je píseň americké skupiny The Beach Boys. Nahrána byla během září 1968 v soukromém studiu kapely v Los Angeles a vyšla v prosinci téhož roku jako B-strana singlu „Bluebirds over the Mountain“; o dva měsíce později vyšla na albu (verze na albu je o necelou půlminutu delší a obsahuje delší instrumentální intro). Přestože je její autorství oficiálně připisováno Dennisovi Wilsonovi, jednomu z členů kapely, píseň ve skutečnosti vychází z písně „Cease to Exist“, jejíž autorem byl Wilsonův přítel, Charles Manson, později usvědčený zločinec. Manson píseň napsal přímo pro skupinu za účelem zlepšení vztahů mezi jejími členy. Verze, kterou kapela nakonec nahrála, je značně upravená, mj. slova „cease to exist“ z původního názvu byla změněna na „cease to resist“. Mansonova ve (cs) Never Learn Not to Love (euskaraz Inoiz ez ikasi ez maitatzen) 1968ko abenduaren 2an The Beach Boys rock talde amerikarrak grabatutako abesti bat da. Abestia, izatez, Charles Manson kultuko liderrak idatzitako "Cease to Exist" abestiaren bertsio aldatua da. Musikalki, Wilson desbideratu egin zen Mansonen egituratik, eta zubi atal bat gehitu zion. Kaleratu eta bi hilabetera, Beach Boysen estudioko 15. albumean sartu zuten, . (eu) "Never Learn Not to Love" is a song recorded by the American rock band the Beach Boys that was issued as the B-side to their "Bluebirds over the Mountain" single on December 2, 1968. Credited to Dennis Wilson, the song was an altered version of "Cease to Exist", written by the cult leader Charles Manson. Manson wrote his version of the song specifically for the Beach Boys to record, and his lyrics were meant to address personal tensions he had witnessed between Dennis and his brothers Brian and Carl. (en) Never Learn Not to Love è un brano musicale registrato dal gruppo musicale pop rock The Beach Boys, accreditato a Dennis Wilson, e pubblicato come lato B del singolo Bluebirds over the Mountain il 2 dicembre 1968. La canzone è in realtà una versione modificata del brano Cease to Exist, composto da Charles Manson, all'epoca un ex detenuto in cerca di una carriera come cantautore. Musicalmente, Wilson deviò dalla struttura di Manson e aggiunse una sezione bridge. Due mesi dopo la pubblicazione, la traccia fu inclusa nel quindicesimo album in studio dei Beach Boys, 20/20. (it)
rdfs:label Never Learn Not to Love (cs) Never Learn Not to Love (es) Never Learn Not to Love (eu) Never Learn Not to Love (fr) Never Learn Not to Love (it) Never Learn Not to Love (en)
rdfs:seeAlso dbr:List_of_cover_versions_of_Beach_Boys_songs
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is dbp:title of dbr:Lie:_The_Love_and_Terror_Cult dbr:20/20_(The_Beach_Boys_album) dbr:Public_Service_(EP)
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