- Talkradio (englisch talk radio) ist ein Hörfunkformat mit einem sehr hohen Wortanteil. Die Inhalte bestehen meistens aus Nachrichten oder aus Gesprächen über politische und gesellschaftliche Themen oder Lebenshilfe. In der Regel finden direkt übertragene Gespräche mit Studiogästen oder anrufenden Zuhörern statt, wobei in letzterem Fall auch von gesprochen wird. (de)
- Radio wicara adalah sebuah format radio yang mendiskusikan berbagai topik. Kebanyakan acaranya secara rutin dibawakan oleh seorang presenter, dan sering mengadakan wawancara dengan beberapa tamu yang berbeda. Radio wicara memasukkan elemen partisipasi pendengar, biasanya dengan menyiarkan percakapan langsung antara presenter dan pendengar yang menelepon ke stasiun radio. Kontribusi pendengar biasanya diulang oleh produser acara untuk memaksimalkan ketertarikan pendengar dan, dalam radio wicara komersial, untuk menarik pengiklan. Secara umum, acaranya diatur dalam beberapa segmen, masing-masing dipisahkan oleh jeda iklan; tetapi, dalam radio publik atau non-komersial, musik kadang dimainkan sebagai ganti iklan untuk memisahkan segmen acara. Variasi dari radio wicara yaitu , , dan . Dimulai sekitar 2005, teknologi untuk acara radio wicara berbasis Internet mulai menghemat biaya. Sekarang, sudah memungkinkan bagi seseorang untuk menggunakan berbagai layanan untuk mengadakan acara radio wicara berbasis Internet tanpa perlu menginvestasikan uang mereka. (in)
- Talk radio is a radio format containing discussion about topical issues and consisting entirely or almost entirely of original spoken word content rather than outside music. Most shows are regularly hosted by a single individual, and often feature interviews with several different guests. Talk radio typically includes an element of listener participation, usually by broadcasting live conversations between the host and listeners who "call in" (usually via telephone) to the show. Listener contributions are usually screened by a show's producers to maximize audience interest and, in the case of commercial talk radio, to attract advertisers. Generally, the shows are organized into segments, each separated by a pause for advertisements; however, in public or non-commercial radio, music is sometimes played in place of commercials to separate the program segments. Variations of talk radio include conservative talk, hot talk, liberal talk (increasingly known as progressive talk), and sports talk. While talk radio has historically been associated with broadcast radio, starting around 2005 the technology for Internet-based talk-radio shows became cost-effective in the form of live internet website streaming and podcasts. Now, an individual can use a variety of services to host an Internet-based talk-radio show without carriage by a traditional radio station. Also, TV programming from talk and news outlets such as BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, and Fox is now often available expanding the world of talk radio further. Talk radio listening is enjoyed not only on radios but a wide variety of other devices and services including PCs using iTunes, station directories such as TuneIn, show directory smartphones with apps such as Stitcher, and time-shifting services like DAR.fm. (en)
- Per talk radio si intende un formato radiofonico in cui vengono messi in discussione eventi e persone. In questo formato, che solitamente vede la partecipazione di un pubblico di ascoltatori interagire con i conduttori, si trattano argomenti quali la politica e lo sport. (it)
- Talkradio (englisch talk radio) ist ein Hörfunkformat mit einem sehr hohen Wortanteil. Die Inhalte bestehen meistens aus Nachrichten oder aus Gesprächen über politische und gesellschaftliche Themen oder Lebenshilfe. In der Regel finden direkt übertragene Gespräche mit Studiogästen oder anrufenden Zuhörern statt, wobei in letzterem Fall auch von gesprochen wird. (de)
- Per talk radio si intende un formato radiofonico in cui vengono messi in discussione eventi e persone. In questo formato, che solitamente vede la partecipazione di un pubblico di ascoltatori interagire con i conduttori, si trattano argomenti quali la politica e lo sport. (it)
- Radio wicara adalah sebuah format radio yang mendiskusikan berbagai topik. Kebanyakan acaranya secara rutin dibawakan oleh seorang presenter, dan sering mengadakan wawancara dengan beberapa tamu yang berbeda. Radio wicara memasukkan elemen partisipasi pendengar, biasanya dengan menyiarkan percakapan langsung antara presenter dan pendengar yang menelepon ke stasiun radio. Kontribusi pendengar biasanya diulang oleh produser acara untuk memaksimalkan ketertarikan pendengar dan, dalam radio wicara komersial, untuk menarik pengiklan. Secara umum, acaranya diatur dalam beberapa segmen, masing-masing dipisahkan oleh jeda iklan; tetapi, dalam radio publik atau non-komersial, musik kadang dimainkan sebagai ganti iklan untuk memisahkan segmen acara. Variasi dari radio wicara yaitu , , dan . (in)
- Talk radio is a radio format containing discussion about topical issues and consisting entirely or almost entirely of original spoken word content rather than outside music. Most shows are regularly hosted by a single individual, and often feature interviews with several different guests. Talk radio typically includes an element of listener participation, usually by broadcasting live conversations between the host and listeners who "call in" (usually via telephone) to the show. Listener contributions are usually screened by a show's producers to maximize audience interest and, in the case of commercial talk radio, to attract advertisers. Generally, the shows are organized into segments, each separated by a pause for advertisements; however, in public or non-commercial radio, music is somet (en)