Nintendo video game consoles (original) (raw)
- L'empresa multinacional d'electrònica de consum japonesa Nintendo ha desenvolupat set consoles de joc i divers de portàtils per a l'àmbit domèstic per utilitzar amb suports externs, així com i altres maquinaris per a les seves consoles. Fins al 30 de setembre de 2015, Nintendo va vendre més de 722,22 milions de màquines. Tot i que l'empresa havia alliberat la Color TV Game així com la Game & Watch, que van ser el seu primer i segon sistema respectivament, no van assolir èxit mundial fins que no es va fabricar la Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) el 1983. La NES va reiniciar la indústria dels videojocs després de la crisi dels videojocs de 1983, i va ser un èxit internacional. El 1989, Nintendo va llançar la Game Boy, que es va convertir en la primera consola de mà a vendre's en grans quantitats. A principis dels anys noranta, el mercat de Nintendo va començar a disminuir; tot i que la Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) de 1990 tenia fortes vendes, la Mega Drive/Genesis va ser un competidor molt fort. Nintendo i Sega tots dos perdrien una part important del mercat de les consoles cap a finals dels anys 90, així com la PlayStation de Sony Computer Entertainment es va convertir en la consola més popular, vençent la Nintendo 64, tot i que Nintendo va aconseguir vendre-ne més que la Sega Saturn. La Dreamcast, llançada el 1999, PlayStation 2, llançada el 2000, i la Xbox de Microsoft, llançada el 2001, relegarien Nintendo al tercer lloc del mercat internacional, malgrat el llançament de GameCube. No obstant això, van conservar els seus avantatges en el mercat de consoles de mà, amb els models de Game Boy Color i Game Boy Advance. Cap a mitjan anys 2000, Nintendo va introduir el primer dispositiu portàtil amb èxit amb pantalla tàctil (DS) i la primera consola amb èxit dissenyada per a entrades controlades en moviment (la Wii); es van convertir en algunes de les de tots els temps. El 2010, Nintendo es va convertir en la primera gran empresa a llançar una consola de jocs portàtil amb capacitats de estereoscòpia 3D, amb la 3DS, que va tenir unes vendes molt fortes des del principi. La Wii U, llançada el 2012, va tenir molt menys èxit i les vendes van ser significativament inferiors al previst. La consola més recent de la companyia, Nintendo Switch, es va publicar el març de 2017 i va superar les vendes de la Wii U. (ca)
- The Japanese multinational consumer electronics company Nintendo has developed seven home video game consoles and multiple portable consoles for use with external media, as well as dedicated consoles and other hardware for their consoles. As of September 30, 2021, in addition to Nintendo Switch, Nintendo has sold over 863.07 million hardware units. The company's first console, the Color TV Game, was a success in Japan but was never released outside of Japan. Their first systems to achieve worldwide success were the Game & Watch handheld series, before achieving greater worldwide success with the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), originally released as the Family Computer (Famicom) in Japan in 1983. The NES restarted the video game industry after the video game crash of 1983, and was an international success. In 1989, Nintendo released the Game Boy, which became the first handheld console to sell in large numbers. In the early 1990s, Nintendo's market lead began to decrease; although the 1990 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was a strong seller, the Sega Genesis was a very strong contender. Nintendo and Sega would both lose a significant portion of the console market towards the end of the 1990s, as Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation became the most popular console, beating the Nintendo 64, though Nintendo managed to sell more than Sega Saturn. The Dreamcast, released in 1999, PlayStation 2, released in 2000, and Microsoft's Xbox, released in 2001, would eventually relegate Nintendo to third place in the international market, despite the release of the GameCube. However, they retained their lead in the handheld console market, with the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance models. Towards the middle of the 2000s, Nintendo introduced the first successful handheld device with a touch screen (DS) and the first successful console designed for motion controlled inputs (the Wii); they became some of the best-selling consoles of all time. In 2011, Nintendo became the first major company to release a handheld game console with stereoscopic 3D capabilities, with the 3DS, which had very strong sales from the beginning. The Wii U, released in November 2012, was much less successful, and sales were significantly lower than predicted. The company's most recent console, Nintendo Switch, was released in March 2017 and has now surpassed the entire lifetime sales of the Wii U several times. (en)
- Dal 1980 l'azienda giapponese Nintendo produce console casalinghe e console portatili, vendendo oltre 700 milioni di unità in tutto il mondo. (it)
- Esta é uma lista de consoles de videogame criadas pela Nintendo. (pt)
- 任天堂是一家總部位於日本京都的遊戲機製造商及遊戲開發商,其業務範圍橫跨全球。任天堂自1977年進入遊戲機市場以來,已推出八部家用遊戲機及六部掌上遊戲機;截至2018年3月,任天堂共售出7億2541萬部遊戲機。 進入遊戲機市場初期,任天堂曾推出Color TV-Game及Game & Watch等遊戲機,但直到1983年推出紅白機(Family Computer,在歐美地區稱為Nintendo Entertainment System)獲得極大成功之後,任天堂才首次成為了電子遊戲產業龍頭。1989年,任天堂推出Game Boy,成為首部成功的掌上遊戲機,並擊敗世嘉推出的Game Gear。1990年,為對抗世嘉的16位元家用遊戲機Mega Drive(在北美地區稱為Sega Genesis),任天堂推出了超級任天堂(Super Famicom,在歐美地區稱為Super Nintendo Entertainment System)。任天堂與世嘉的競爭一直持續到2001年世嘉退出遊戲機市場為止。1994年,索尼首次進入遊戲機市場並推出了次世代主機PlayStation,以第三方遊戲陣容豐富優勢擊敗了任天堂於1996年推出的主機任天堂64及世嘉的世嘉土星,任天堂因而首次失去家用遊戲機市場龍頭地位。 2001年,任天堂推出任天堂GameCube,但銷量不敵索尼推出的PlayStation 2及微軟推出的Xbox;同時,任天堂仍在掌上遊戲機市場中領先對手,1998年推出的Game Boy Color及2001年推出的Game Boy Advance皆大勝其他掌上遊戲機。2004年,任天堂推出任天堂DS,成為首部商業成功的觸控螢幕掌上遊戲機;2006年,任天堂推出任天堂Wii,是首部大規模運用體感技術的遊戲機,兩者皆獲得成功,使任天堂重奪遊戲機市場龍頭地位。 2010年,任天堂推出任天堂3DS,是首部應用裸視3D顯示技術的掌上遊戲機。2012年,任天堂推出Wii的繼任者Wii U,但由於商業決策錯誤及第三方遊戲陣容不足等因素,使得Wii U成為任天堂銷量最少的家用遊戲機,主機也於2017年停產。2017年,任天堂推出混合式遊戲機任天堂Switch。 2019年任天堂推出了任天堂Switch Lite ,是任天堂Switch的掌上遊戲機版本。 (zh)
- yago:WikicatNintendoConsoles
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- Videoconsoles de Nintendo (ca)
- Console Nintendo (it)
- Nintendo video game consoles (en)
- Lista de consoles de jogos eletrônicos da Nintendo (pt)
- 任天堂電子遊戲機列表 (zh)
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Game_Boy_line
- dbr:Game_Boy_family
- dbr:Comparison_of_Nintendo_portable_consoles
- dbr:Nintendo_Handhelds
- dbr:Nintendo_handhelds
- dbr:Pokémon_Mobile_System_GB
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_consoles
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_video_game_consoles
- dbr:List_of_video_games_consoles_by_Nintendo
- dbr:Nintendo_consoles
- dbr:Nintendo_video_game_console