- NogiBingo!, stylized as NOGIBINGO!, was a Japanese television variety show starring Japanese idol girl group Nogizaka46. Ijiri Okada, who is known for AKB48-related shows such as AKB48 Nemōsu TV, hosts the program. The show first aired on July 3, 2013, as part of the variety show Nogizaka46 x HKT48 Kanbangumi Battle!, and it became an independent show starting with the second season. The second season began on January 11, 2014, and the third season premiered on October 7, 2014. On October 9, 2014, Hulu Japan announced that some TV shows were made available for streaming including NOGIBINGO!3. In this season, Rena Matsui from SKE48 appeared. Hulu also streamed the girls talk show called Nogi Room including the unaired part. The fourth season premiered on April 7, 2015. In the first episode of this season, Zawachin, who is a Japanese tarento, and impressionist, appeared as a guest. The fifth season premiered on July 14, 2015, and the sixth season premiered on April 12, 2016. After the season 6 ended, the first season of KEYABINGO!, a variety show by Keyakizaka46, premiered in the same time slot. The seventh season premiered on October 11, 2016. Daisuke Muramoto, one of the hosts of AKBINGO!, made a guest appearance in its second episode. The show's eighth season, which started on April 11, 2017, exclusively featured the twelve new third generation members, with members from the first and second generations joining in as guests. The show's ninth season began on October 17, and concluded on December 26, 2017. On October 8, 2018, the final season premiered. After 117 episodes, the show ended this run on December 18, 2018. (en)
- NOGIBINGO!(노기빙고!)는 일본의 닛폰 TV에서 2013년부터 방송되는 버라이어티 프로그램이다. (ko)
- 『NOGIBINGO!』(ノギビンゴ)は、2013年から2018年まで日本テレビなどで放送されていた乃木坂46の深夜バラエティ番組シリーズ。 (ja)
- 《NOGIBINGO!》是日本女子偶像團體乃木坂46冠名演出的深夜綜藝節目系列,由日本電視台製播、搞笑藝人猥瑣岡田主持。自2013年7月2日首度播出後已推出10季,目前播出時間為日本時間每周二凌晨1時29至1时59分。包含广告时间在内,每集長約30分鐘。本节目起初是乃木坂46與官方对手AKB48姊妹團體之一的HKT48合作进行的節目《乃木坂46×HKT48 冠名節目對決!》的一部份,节目中乃木坂46与HKT48通过竞争争夺次周节目的优先播放权。節目播出後觀眾评价良好,因此从第二季开始节目自跨團對抗節目中獨立并成為乃木坂46單獨冠名的節目。 与AKB48的常年冠名综艺《AKBINGO!》每周固定播出不同,本节目分季度播出。每一季度的节目均会选定一定的主题,并围绕该主题安排一系列企划。最初,《NOGIBINGO!》以復刻《AKBINGO!》之單元企劃為節目主旨,让乃木坂成员尝试一系列《AKBINGO!》中的经典企划以锻炼其综艺能力。而从第二季開始,节目则以「超越AKB48」作為概念,开始採用原創新單元內容。在各類原创企劃中也诞生了一些经典企划:例如要求由成員依照特定主題進行即興表演的妄想點播(妄想リクエスト),或是于每集末尾播出的“女子睡衣谈话 NOGI ROOM”(パジャマで女子トーク NOGIROOM)。而随着姊妹团体榉坂46、日向坂46的诞生,部分在《NOGIBINGO!》出现的企划随后也陆续出现在她们的冠名综艺《KEYABINGO!》与《HINABINGO!》中。 截止目前,节目主持人均由搞笑艺人猥瑣岡田擔任。随着乃木坂46成员的更替,除了最初的一期生外,随后加入的二期生们也陸續參與演出。节目也曾有意安排許多让一、二期生之間互動或對抗等,在前作中不曾見過的單元形態。除了由搞笑艺人进行主要主持以外,在第六季與第七季节目中亦增加助理主持人(アシスタントMC)職位,让成员进一步参与到节目的主持环节中。在三期生加入后,第八季节目則主要由當時出道僅半年餘的三期生演出,各集設計不同的單元,以磨練三期生在電視綜藝上的表現能力。 (zh)
- NOGIBINGO!(노기빙고!)는 일본의 닛폰 TV에서 2013년부터 방송되는 버라이어티 프로그램이다. (ko)
- 『NOGIBINGO!』(ノギビンゴ)は、2013年から2018年まで日本テレビなどで放送されていた乃木坂46の深夜バラエティ番組シリーズ。 (ja)
- NogiBingo!, stylized as NOGIBINGO!, was a Japanese television variety show starring Japanese idol girl group Nogizaka46. Ijiri Okada, who is known for AKB48-related shows such as AKB48 Nemōsu TV, hosts the program. The show first aired on July 3, 2013, as part of the variety show Nogizaka46 x HKT48 Kanbangumi Battle!, and it became an independent show starting with the second season. On October 8, 2018, the final season premiered. After 117 episodes, the show ended this run on December 18, 2018. (en)
- 《NOGIBINGO!》是日本女子偶像團體乃木坂46冠名演出的深夜綜藝節目系列,由日本電視台製播、搞笑藝人猥瑣岡田主持。自2013年7月2日首度播出後已推出10季,目前播出時間為日本時間每周二凌晨1時29至1时59分。包含广告时间在内,每集長約30分鐘。本节目起初是乃木坂46與官方对手AKB48姊妹團體之一的HKT48合作进行的節目《乃木坂46×HKT48 冠名節目對決!》的一部份,节目中乃木坂46与HKT48通过竞争争夺次周节目的优先播放权。節目播出後觀眾评价良好,因此从第二季开始节目自跨團對抗節目中獨立并成為乃木坂46單獨冠名的節目。 截止目前,节目主持人均由搞笑艺人猥瑣岡田擔任。随着乃木坂46成员的更替,除了最初的一期生外,随后加入的二期生们也陸續參與演出。节目也曾有意安排許多让一、二期生之間互動或對抗等,在前作中不曾見過的單元形態。除了由搞笑艺人进行主要主持以外,在第六季與第七季节目中亦增加助理主持人(アシスタントMC)職位,让成员进一步参与到节目的主持环节中。在三期生加入后,第八季节目則主要由當時出道僅半年餘的三期生演出,各集設計不同的單元,以磨練三期生在電視綜藝上的表現能力。 (zh)