Notre Dame Law School is the professional graduate law school of the University of Notre Dame. Established in 1869, it is the oldest continuously operating Catholic law school in the United States. ND Law is ranked 22nd among the nation's "Top 100 Law Schools" by U.S. News & World Report and 14th by Above The Law in their annual Top 50 Law School Rankings. It is ranked 8th in graduates attaining federal judicial clerkships and 7th in graduates attaining Supreme Court clerkships. According to Notre Dame's 2018 ABA-required disclosures, 86% of the Class of 2019 obtained full-time, long-term, JD-required employment ten months after graduation. 41.5% of the Class of 2019 accepted positions at Large Firms, while 11.9% accepted Federal Clerkships, and 17.6% of the Class of 2019 Graduates accepted public service positions. The school enrolls about 600 students and in addition to the J.D. degree it also offers dual JD–MBA and several a dual J.D. and Masters combined degrees (including JD/MS, JD/MA, JD/M.Eng.). It also offers the only American Bar Association–approved, year-long, study-abroad program, which is based in London. (en)
聖母大學法學院(英語:Notre Dame Law School),簡稱NDLS,是美國一所法學院。位於印第安那州南灣市東北方近郊,距離芝加哥市僅約90英里。 附屬於聖母大學,法學院創立於1869年,是美國歷史最悠久的天主教法學院。聖母大學法學院在美國新聞與世界報導的前百名法學院排行中排名第22。 在知名網站Above the Law排名第17。 近年來,聖母大學法學院的畢業生在成為美國最高法院法官助理的人數中排名第16. 聖母大學法學院提供全美國唯一經過美國律師協會認可為期一年的留學課程。該課程於聖母大學倫敦法律中心授課,任何法學院的學生皆可申請其暑期課程。 此外,聖母大學法學院在芝加哥也有校區,學生可以選擇在芝加哥實習一學期同時修得學分。 (zh)