Nutbush City Limits ist ein von Tina Turner geschriebener Song, den sie im Juni 1973 gemeinsam mit ihrem damaligen Ehemann Ike als Duo Ike & Tina Turner veröffentlichte. Das Stück zählt zu ihren bekanntesten Songs. (de)
Nutbush City Limits est une chanson écrite et composée par Tina Turner, interprétée par le duo Ike and Tina Turner. Sortie en single en août 1973, elle est extraite de l'album Nutbush City Limits. Elle connaît un succès international, notamment en Europe où le disque se vend à plus d'un million d'exemplaires, valant au duo de recevoir le premier Golden European Record Award jamais décerné, une récompense attribuée aux artistes américains ayant rencontré un important succès commercial en Europe. (fr)
"Nutbush City Limits" is a semi-autobiographical song written by Tina Turner which commemorates her rural hometown of Nutbush in Haywood County, Tennessee, United States. Originally released as a single on United Artists Records in August 1973, it is one of the last hits that husband-wife R&B duo Ike & Tina Turner released together. In the years since, "Nutbush City Limits" has been performed by a number of other artists, most notably Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band, and Turner herself has re-recorded several different versions of the song. As an unincorporated rural community, Nutbush does not have official city limits; rather, its general boundaries are described by signs reading "Nutbush, Unincorporated" which are posted on the local highway (Tennessee State Route 19). A line dance to the song, called the "Nutbush", created in the 1970s disco era, took off in Australia during the 1980s, and it has seen sustained success to this day, including gaining viral popularity internationally through TikTok. (en)
Nutbush City Limits è una canzone semiautobiografica scritta e interpretata da Tina Turner, nel quale viene descritta la città di Nutbush, Tennessee, dove la Turner è cresciuta ed ha vissuto fino all'età di 16 anni. (it)
Nutbush City Limits is een soulnummer van Ike & Tina Turner dat als single voor het eerst werd uitgebracht in 1973. Het is afkomstig van hun album Nutbush City Limits. De B-kant was Help him. (nl)
«Nutbush City Limits» (с англ. — «Городская черта Натбуш») — полуавтобиографическая песня американской певицы Тины Тёрнер, описывающая жизнь в её родном городке , штат Теннесси. Песня неоднократно переиздавалась, так, кроме оригинальной версии, которая была включена в одноимённый альбом, была выпущена live-версия 1988 года, а также ремикс 1991 года. (ru)
Nutbush City Limits ist ein von Tina Turner geschriebener Song, den sie im Juni 1973 gemeinsam mit ihrem damaligen Ehemann Ike als Duo Ike & Tina Turner veröffentlichte. Das Stück zählt zu ihren bekanntesten Songs. (de)
Nutbush City Limits est une chanson écrite et composée par Tina Turner, interprétée par le duo Ike and Tina Turner. Sortie en single en août 1973, elle est extraite de l'album Nutbush City Limits. Elle connaît un succès international, notamment en Europe où le disque se vend à plus d'un million d'exemplaires, valant au duo de recevoir le premier Golden European Record Award jamais décerné, une récompense attribuée aux artistes américains ayant rencontré un important succès commercial en Europe. (fr)
Nutbush City Limits è una canzone semiautobiografica scritta e interpretata da Tina Turner, nel quale viene descritta la città di Nutbush, Tennessee, dove la Turner è cresciuta ed ha vissuto fino all'età di 16 anni. (it)
Nutbush City Limits is een soulnummer van Ike & Tina Turner dat als single voor het eerst werd uitgebracht in 1973. Het is afkomstig van hun album Nutbush City Limits. De B-kant was Help him. (nl)
«Nutbush City Limits» (с англ. — «Городская черта Натбуш») — полуавтобиографическая песня американской певицы Тины Тёрнер, описывающая жизнь в её родном городке , штат Теннесси. Песня неоднократно переиздавалась, так, кроме оригинальной версии, которая была включена в одноимённый альбом, была выпущена live-версия 1988 года, а также ремикс 1991 года. (ru)
"Nutbush City Limits" is a semi-autobiographical song written by Tina Turner which commemorates her rural hometown of Nutbush in Haywood County, Tennessee, United States. Originally released as a single on United Artists Records in August 1973, it is one of the last hits that husband-wife R&B duo Ike & Tina Turner released together. In the years since, "Nutbush City Limits" has been performed by a number of other artists, most notably Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band, and Turner herself has re-recorded several different versions of the song. (en)