On the Spot was the first television series made specifically for TV by the National Film Board of Canada, which aired on CBC Television for two seasons from 1953 to 1954. Each episode reported on a different aspect of life in Canada. The series was originated by Bernard Devlin. Series segments were produced with a three-person crew: a director, cameraman and on-screen host, usually Fred Davis. The series debuted on October 6, 1953, at 7:45 pm and ran until June 30, 1954, for a total of 39 episodes. Episodes were initially 15 minutes in length. However, the NFB asked the CBC to increase the time slot to 30 minutes for the second season. The series changed time slots frequently, playing as late as 11:45 pm on Monday nights before going to Sundays at 4:30 pm. The second season aired on Sundays at 10 pm. Cancelled after the 26 episodes of the second season, On the Spot was replaced by , a 30-minute show that mixed documentary reports and dramatizations on contemporary Canadian issues. (en)