Operation Attleboro (original) (raw)
Operation Attleboro was a Vietnam War search and destroy operation initiated by the 196th Light Infantry Brigade with the objective to discover the location(s) of People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and Viet Cong (VC) base areas and force them to fight. The operation was named after Attleboro, Massachusetts, where the brigade had been formed. Operation Attleboro grew to be the largest series of air mobile operations to that time, involving all or elements of the 196th Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, 1st Infantry Division and a brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, as well as numerous Army of the Republic of Vietnam and Regional Forces/Popular Forces and Nùngs. In the end, the operation became a Corps operation commanded by II Field Force, Vietnam.
Property | Value |
dbo:abstract | L'operació Attleboro va ser una operació de cerca i destrucció durant la guerra del Vietnam, iniciada per la 196a brigada d'infanteria lleugera de l'exèrcit dels Estats Units, amb l'objectiu de descobrir la ubicació de les zones de bases de l'Exèrcit Popular del Vietnam (PAVN) i el Viet Cong (VC) i obligar-los a presentar batalla. L'operació va rebre el nom de la ciutat d'Attleboro (Massachusetts), on s'havia format la brigada. L'operació Attleboro va esdevenir la més gran sèrie d'operacions mòbils aèries fins a la data, implicant-hi elements de la 196a brigada, la 25a divisió d'infanteria, la 1a divisió d'infanteria i una brigada de la 4a divisió d'infanteria, així com nombroses forces de l'Exèrcit de la República del Vietnam i forces regionals/forces populars i nùngs. Al final, l'operació es va convertir en una operació a escala de cos comandada per la . (ca) Operation Attleboro war der Codename der Schlacht um und und wurde vom 14. September bis 24. November 1966 nordwestlich von Dau Tieng durchgeführt. Benannt wurde die Operation Attleboro nach der Garnisonsstadt Attleboro in Massachusetts/USA. Die Operation Attleboro gliederte sich in zwei Phasen: Phase I (September bis November 1966) und Phase II (November 1966) und war eine der größten luftbeweglichen Operationen des US-Heeres gegen Vietcong-Stellungen in der Region um Tây Ninh nahe der Grenze zu Kambodscha.In dieser Region lagen zahlreiche Tunnelsysteme und getarnte Bunkerstellungen des Vietcong und der Vietnamesischen Volksarmee, versorgt aus den Stützpunkten in Kambodscha.Seit Oktober 1965 hatte die und die hier ihren Verfügungsraum eingerichtet. Schon in der Zeit des Kolonialkrieges gegen die Franzosen hatte die Vietminh in dieser Region ihr Rückzugsgebiet. Hauptsächlich beteiligt an der Search and Destroy Operation war die neu in Vietnam eingetroffene und relativ unerfahrene unterstützt durch Truppenteile der 25. US-Infanteriedivision, der 1. US-Infanteriedivision unter Generalmajor William E. DePuy und einer Brigade der 4. US-Infanteriedivision. Außerdem waren Kampfunterstützungstruppen der ARVN und regionale Nung-Kräfte zusammen mit „Mike Forces“ (US Special Forces) beteiligt.In Phase II musste außerdem die 173. US-Luftlandebrigade in die Kämpfe eingreifen, um die 196. US-Leichte Infanteriebrigade vor der Vernichtung zu bewahren.Die Operation unterlag der Befehlsgewalt der II. Field Force.Die 196. US-Leichte Infanteriebrigade unter dem Kommando von Generalmajor war in der Garnison von Tây Ninh stationiert und bekam den Auftrag Feindkräfte in der Kriegszone C westlich der Michelin Kautschukplantage aufzuspüren und zu vernichten.Das Operationsgebiet lag in der Feuchtsavanne um den Gebirgszug (auch als bekannt) der Vormarsch und die Verbindung der einzelnen Einheiten untereinander wurde durch das mannshohe Elefantengras stark erschwert. Zahlreiche Termitenhügel machten die Hubschrauberlandungen zu einem großen Problem.In der Phase I gab es keine nennenswerte Feindberührung, die schweren Kämpfe entwickelten sich erst im November 1966 in der Phase II.Phase I hatte mehr den Charakter eines Großmanövers als einer militärischen Operation unter Gefechtsbedingungen. (de) Operation Attleboro was a Vietnam War search and destroy operation initiated by the 196th Light Infantry Brigade with the objective to discover the location(s) of People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and Viet Cong (VC) base areas and force them to fight. The operation was named after Attleboro, Massachusetts, where the brigade had been formed. Operation Attleboro grew to be the largest series of air mobile operations to that time, involving all or elements of the 196th Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, 1st Infantry Division and a brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, as well as numerous Army of the Republic of Vietnam and Regional Forces/Popular Forces and Nùngs. In the end, the operation became a Corps operation commanded by II Field Force, Vietnam. (en) Operazione Attleboro (in inglese Operation Attleboro, in vietnamita Chiến dịch Attleboro) fu il nome in codice di una grande operazione di "individuazione e distruzione" (Search and Destroy), avvenuta dal 14 settembre al 24 novembre 1966 durante la guerra del Vietnam, condotta dalla americana nel distretto di , nella provincia di Binh Duong. (it) «Э́ттлборо» (англ. Attleboro) — военная операция, проведённая силами США осенью 1966 года в ходе Вьетнамской войны. «Эттлборо» была одной из трёх значительных операций, проведённых Армией США в тактической зоне III корпуса Южного Вьетнама в сухом сезоне 1966—1967 годов. Операция проводилась с сентября 1966 года в «военной зоне C» на границе с Камбоджей. Американские подразделения обнаружили в этом районе следы пребывания 9-й дивизии НФОЮВ, вернувшейся из Камбоджи после восполнения потерь, понесённых летом в ходе операции «Эль-Пасо II». В начале ноября силы США вступили в контакт с крупными силами противника (сражение при Дау-Тиенг), после чего контроль над операцией был передан сначала 1-й пехотной дивизии, а затем II полевому корпусу США. Операция «Эттлборо» завершилась в конце ноября 1966 года. Опыт «Эттлборо» был использован при подготовке следующей операции в этом районе — «Джанкшн-сити». (ru) |
dbo:causalties | 5 missing 155 killed |
dbo:combatant | Viet Cong North Vietnam |
dbo:commander | dbr:William_E._DePuy dbr:Hoàng_Cầm_(general) dbr:Edward_H._de_Saussure |
dbo:date | 1966-11-25 (xsd:date) |
dbo:isPartOfMilitaryConflict | dbr:Vietnam_War |
dbo:place | dbr:Binh_Duong_Province dbr:South_Vietnam dbr:Dau_Tieng |
dbo:result | See [[#Aftermath |
dbo:thumbnail | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/US_Infantry_Deploy_from_UH-1D_Vietnam.jpg?width=300 |
dbo:wikiPageExternalLink | https://web.archive.org/web/20070930055414/http:/www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,828394,00.html https://web.archive.org/web/20070930174652/http:/www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,898469,00.html https://web.archive.org/web/20080220195435/http:/www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,843083,00.html https://web.archive.org/web/20220810195900/https:/www.stripes.com/news/from-the-s-s-archives-attleboro-battered-reds-supply-system-1.6863 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,843083,00.html http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,898469,00.html%7C https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,828394,00.html https://www.stripes.com/news/from-the-s-s-archives-attleboro-battered-reds-supply-system-1.6863 |
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink | dbr:Captain_(United_States_O-3) dbr:7th_Division_(Vietnam) dbr:Private_First_Class dbr:Sam_S._Walker dbc:History_of_Bình_Dương_province dbr:Bell_UH-1_Iroquois dbr:Bien_Hoa_Air_Base dbr:Boeing_B-52_Stratofortress dbr:Boeing_CH-47_Chinook dbr:Brigadier_general_(United_States) dbr:People's_Army_of_Vietnam dbr:Phan_Rang_Air_Base dbr:Robert_F._Foley dbr:United_States_Air_Force dbr:Viet_Cong dbr:Vietnam_War dbr:UH-1_Iroquois dbr:11th_Aviation_Battalion dbr:13th_Field_Artillery_Regiment dbr:14th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:Colonel_(United_States) dbr:Massachusetts dbr:Medal_of_Honor dbc:Military_operations_of_the_Vietnam_War dbr:Frederick_C._Weyand dbr:George_G._O'Connor dbc:Military_operations_involving_Vietnam dbr:Operation_Arc_Light dbc:Battles_involving_the_United_States dbr:Lieutenant_general_(United_States) dbr:M113_armored_personnel_carrier dbr:Major_(United_States) dbr:Major_general_(United_States) dbr:Sidney_Bryan_Berry dbr:Stars_and_Stripes_(newspaper) dbr:1st_Infantry_Division_(United_States) dbr:1st_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbc:1966_in_Vietnam dbc:Conflicts_in_1966 dbc:November_1966_events_in_Asia dbr:52nd_Aviation_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:82nd_Field_Artillery_Regiment dbc:October_1966_events_in_Asia dbc:September_1966_events_in_Asia dbr:Cessna_O-1_Bird_Dog dbr:Time_(magazine) dbr:Tây_Ninh_Combat_Base dbr:Tây_Ninh_Province dbr:William_E._DePuy dbr:William_Westmoreland dbr:21st_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:22nd_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:25th_Aviation_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:25th_Infantry_Division_(United_States) dbr:27th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:28th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:31st_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:4th_Infantry_Division_(United_States) dbr:5th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:8th_Field_Artillery_Regiment dbr:9th_Division_(Vietnam) dbr:DShK dbr:Dĩ_An_Base_Camp dbr:Dầu_Tiếng_District dbr:Eurípides_Rubio dbr:Fort_Benning dbr:North_Vietnam dbr:Binh_Duong_Province dbr:Katum dbc:Battles_involving_Vietnam dbc:Battles_and_operations_of_the_Vietnam_War dbr:James_F._Hollingsworth dbr:Army_of_the_Republic_of_Vietnam dbr:Attleboro,_Massachusetts dbr:John_A._Heintges dbr:John_F._Baker_Jr. dbr:Bến_Củi dbr:South_Vietnam dbr:South_Vietnamese_Regional_Force dbr:Hoàng_Cầm_(general) dbr:Dau_Tieng dbr:II_Field_Force,_Vietnam dbr:Nguyễn_Chí_Thanh dbr:Nùng_people dbr:Operation_Cedar_Falls dbr:Operation_Junction_City dbr:RAND_Corporation dbr:COMUSMACV dbr:COSVN dbr:Civilian_Irregular_Defense_Group dbr:Saigon_River dbr:Search_and_destroy dbr:Thomas_M._Tarpley dbr:Sidney_Marks dbr:Vietnam_War_body_count_controversy dbr:International_Security dbr:Lieutenant_Colonel_(United_States) dbr:Tây_Ninh_(city) dbr:File:Operation_Attleboro_3-4_November_1966.jpg dbr:File:Operation_Attleboro_6-25_November_1966.jpg dbr:File:Suoi_Da_SF_camp,_April_1967.png dbr:General_(united_States) dbr:South_Vietnamese_National_Police dbr:Senior_Colonel dbr:196th_Light_Infantry_Brigade_(United_States) dbr:M18_Claymore_anti-personnel_mine dbr:Nui_Ba_Den dbr:Edward_H._de_Saussure dbr:File:NARA_photo_111-CCV-562-CC37482.jpg |
dbp:caption | Infantrymen deploying from a UH-1D helicopter during Operation Attleboro (en) |
dbp:casualties | 5 (xsd:integer) 155 (xsd:integer) 200 (xsd:integer) ~127 individual and 19 crew-served weapons recovered (en) US body count: 1,016 killed (en) |
dbp:combatant | North Vietnam (en) Viet Cong (en) |
dbp:commander | Hoàng Cầm (en) William E. DePuy (en) Edward H. de Saussure (en) |
dbp:conflict | Operation Attleboro (en) |
dbp:date | 0001-09-14 (xsd:gMonthDay) |
dbp:imageSize | 300 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:partof | the Vietnam War (en) |
dbp:place | Northwest of Dau Tieng, South Vietnam (en) |
dbp:result | See [[#Aftermath (en) |
dbp:units | 1 (xsd:integer) 4 (xsd:integer) 9 (xsd:integer) 25 (xsd:integer) 101 (xsd:integer) 196 (xsd:integer) |
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dcterms:subject | dbc:History_of_Bình_Dương_province dbc:Military_operations_of_the_Vietnam_War dbc:Military_operations_involving_Vietnam dbc:Battles_involving_the_United_States dbc:1966_in_Vietnam dbc:Conflicts_in_1966 dbc:November_1966_events_in_Asia dbc:October_1966_events_in_Asia dbc:September_1966_events_in_Asia dbc:Battles_involving_Vietnam dbc:Battles_and_operations_of_the_Vietnam_War |
gold:hypernym | dbr:Search |
rdf:type | owl:Thing schema:Event dul:Event dbo:SocietalEvent wikidata:Q1656682 yago:WikicatBattlesAndOperationsOfTheVietnamWar yago:WikicatBattlesInvolvingTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatBattlesInvolvingVietnam yago:WikicatConflictsIn1966 yago:WikicatMilitaryOperationsInvolvingVietnam yago:WikicatMilitaryOperationsOfTheVietnamWar yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Act100030358 yago:Activity100407535 yago:Battle100953559 yago:Conflict100958896 yago:Event100029378 yago:GroupAction101080366 yago:MilitaryAction100952963 yago:Operation100955060 yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity dbo:Event dbo:MilitaryConflict dbo:Organisation umbel-rc:ConflictEvent umbel-rc:Event |
rdfs:comment | Operation Attleboro was a Vietnam War search and destroy operation initiated by the 196th Light Infantry Brigade with the objective to discover the location(s) of People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and Viet Cong (VC) base areas and force them to fight. The operation was named after Attleboro, Massachusetts, where the brigade had been formed. Operation Attleboro grew to be the largest series of air mobile operations to that time, involving all or elements of the 196th Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, 1st Infantry Division and a brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, as well as numerous Army of the Republic of Vietnam and Regional Forces/Popular Forces and Nùngs. In the end, the operation became a Corps operation commanded by II Field Force, Vietnam. (en) Operazione Attleboro (in inglese Operation Attleboro, in vietnamita Chiến dịch Attleboro) fu il nome in codice di una grande operazione di "individuazione e distruzione" (Search and Destroy), avvenuta dal 14 settembre al 24 novembre 1966 durante la guerra del Vietnam, condotta dalla americana nel distretto di , nella provincia di Binh Duong. (it) L'operació Attleboro va ser una operació de cerca i destrucció durant la guerra del Vietnam, iniciada per la 196a brigada d'infanteria lleugera de l'exèrcit dels Estats Units, amb l'objectiu de descobrir la ubicació de les zones de bases de l'Exèrcit Popular del Vietnam (PAVN) i el Viet Cong (VC) i obligar-los a presentar batalla. L'operació va rebre el nom de la ciutat d'Attleboro (Massachusetts), on s'havia format la brigada. L'operació Attleboro va esdevenir la més gran sèrie d'operacions mòbils aèries fins a la data, implicant-hi elements de la 196a brigada, la 25a divisió d'infanteria, la 1a divisió d'infanteria i una brigada de la 4a divisió d'infanteria, així com nombroses forces de l'Exèrcit de la República del Vietnam i forces regionals/forces populars i nùngs. Al final, l'operaci (ca) Operation Attleboro war der Codename der Schlacht um und und wurde vom 14. September bis 24. November 1966 nordwestlich von Dau Tieng durchgeführt. Benannt wurde die Operation Attleboro nach der Garnisonsstadt Attleboro in Massachusetts/USA. (de) «Э́ттлборо» (англ. Attleboro) — военная операция, проведённая силами США осенью 1966 года в ходе Вьетнамской войны. «Эттлборо» была одной из трёх значительных операций, проведённых Армией США в тактической зоне III корпуса Южного Вьетнама в сухом сезоне 1966—1967 годов. Операция «Эттлборо» завершилась в конце ноября 1966 года. Опыт «Эттлборо» был использован при подготовке следующей операции в этом районе — «Джанкшн-сити». (ru) |
rdfs:label | Operació Attleboro (ca) Operation Attleboro (de) Operazione Attleboro (it) Operation Attleboro (en) Операция «Эттлборо» (ru) |
owl:sameAs | freebase:Operation Attleboro yago-res:Operation Attleboro wikidata:Operation Attleboro dbpedia-be:Operation Attleboro dbpedia-ca:Operation Attleboro dbpedia-de:Operation Attleboro dbpedia-it:Operation Attleboro dbpedia-ru:Operation Attleboro dbpedia-vi:Operation Attleboro https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4znxj |
prov:wasDerivedFrom | wikipedia-en:Operation_Attleboro?oldid=1103855037&ns=0 |
foaf:depiction | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/FNL_Flag.svg wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/NARA_photo_111-CCV-562-CC37482.jpg wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Operation_Attleboro_3-4_November_1966.jpg wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Operation_Attleboro_6-25_November_1966.jpg wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Suoi_Da_SF_camp,_April_1967.png wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/US_Infantry_Deploy_from_UH-1D_Vietnam.jpg |
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf | wikipedia-en:Operation_Attleboro |
foaf:name | Operation Attleboro (en) |
is dbo:battle of | dbr:Robert_F._Foley dbr:11th_Aviation_Battalion dbr:173rd_Airborne_Brigade dbr:George_G._O'Connor dbr:4th_Infantry_Division_(United_States) dbr:Eurípides_Rubio |
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of | dbr:Operation_Attalboro |
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of | dbr:Sam_S._Walker dbr:List_of_allied_military_operations_of_the_Vietnam_War_(1966) dbr:Battle_of_Ap_Gu dbr:Battle_of_Suoi_Tre dbr:Joint_warfare_in_South_Vietnam,_1963–1969 dbr:Robert_F._Foley dbr:United_States_in_the_Vietnam_War dbr:Vietnam_War dbr:List_of_military_operations dbr:11th_Aviation_Battalion dbr:16th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:173rd_Airborne_Brigade dbr:George_G._O'Connor dbr:1966_in_the_Vietnam_War dbr:1st_Infantry_Division_(United_States) dbr:1966_in_aviation dbr:196th_Infantry_Brigade_(United_States) dbr:68th_Medical_Group_(United_States) dbr:21st_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States) dbr:25th_Infantry_Division_(United_States) dbr:4th_Infantry_Division_(United_States) dbr:57th_Medical_Detachment dbr:9th_Division_(Vietnam) dbr:Eurípides_Rubio dbr:Iron_Triangle_(Vietnam) dbr:John_Andrew_Barnes_III dbr:John_F._Baker_Jr. dbr:War_Zone_C dbr:Search_and_destroy dbr:Philippines–South_Vietnam_relations dbr:The_General_Goes_Zapping_Charlie_Cong dbr:Operation_Attalboro |
is dbp:battles of | dbr:Robert_F._Foley dbr:173rd_Airborne_Brigade dbr:George_G._O'Connor dbr:4th_Infantry_Division_(United_States) |
is foaf:primaryTopic of | wikipedia-en:Operation_Attleboro |