Opinion polling for the 2002 New Zealand general election (original) (raw)
- Lines | table=Opinion polling for the 2002 New Zealand general election (party vote).tab | type = time | xField = Date_end | symbols = 1 | interpolate = basis | series = "p_Alliance", "p_ACT", "p_Green", "p_NZFirst", "p_UnitedFuture", "p_Progressive" | colors = #33CC66, #FDE401, #098137, #000000, #501557, #9E9E9E | xAxisAngle = -40 | xZero = false | yZero=true | yAxis=% voting intentions | yMin=0 | yMax = 12.5 | yGrid=y | xMin = 951692400000 | xMax = 1027720800000 | legend = Parties | size=77 | width = 850 | height = 250 | hAnnotationsValues = {"text": "Threshold", "y": 5} (en)
- Lines | table=Opinion polling for the 2002 New Zealand general election (party vote).tab | type = time | xField = Date_end | symbols = 1 | interpolate = basis | series = "p_Labour", "p_National", "p_Alliance", "p_ACT", "p_Green", "p_NZFirst", "p_UnitedFuture", "p_Progressive" | colors = #D82A20, #00529F, #33CC66, #FDE401, #098137, #000000, #501557, #9E9E9E | xAxisAngle = -40 | xZero = false | yZero=true | yAxis=% voting intentions | yMin=0 | yGrid=y | xMin = 951692400000 | xMax = 1027720800000 | legend = Parties | size=77 | width = 850 | height = 400 (en)