The Metropolitan Police of Greater London is organised into four main directorates, each with differing responsibilities. These are Frontline Policing (formerly Territorial Policing), Met Operations (formerly Specialist Crime & Operations), Specialist Operations, Professionalism and six civilian staffed support departments under the umbrella of Met Headquarters. Each is overseen by an Assistant Commissioner, or in the case of a support department a director of police staff which is the equivalent civilian grade. The Management Board, responsible for the strategic direction of the MPS, is composed of the senior police leadership including the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, the four Assistant Commissioners (for Met Operations, Frontline Policing, Specialist Operations and Professionalism) and five directors. (en)
ロンドン警視庁の組織と機構(ロンドンけいしちょうのそしきときこう)では、ロンドン警視庁の組織および機構について記述する。 グレーター・ロンドン(ただしシティ・オブ・ロンドンを除く)を管轄するロンドン警視庁は、大きく4つの主要部局に分けられ、それぞれの部は異なる責任を負っている。主要な部局とは、地域警ら部、専門刑事・活動部、専門活動部、そして総務部に相当する6つの支援部局である。各部は、それぞれ警視監(総務部の場合は、英国の国家公務員階級相当の警察幹部職員)の監督の下に職務を執行する。 ロンドン警視庁の戦略方針を担う管理委員会 (The Management Board) は、警視総監、警視総監補、4名の警視監及び局長級を含む上級管理職から構成されている。 (ja)
The Metropolitan Police of Greater London is organised into four main directorates, each with differing responsibilities. These are Frontline Policing (formerly Territorial Policing), Met Operations (formerly Specialist Crime & Operations), Specialist Operations, Professionalism and six civilian staffed support departments under the umbrella of Met Headquarters. Each is overseen by an Assistant Commissioner, or in the case of a support department a director of police staff which is the equivalent civilian grade. (en)