La serie filatélica de los Países Invadidos fue una serie de 13 estampillas conmemorativas emitidas por Estados Unidos entre 1943 y 1944 como un tributo a 13 países ocupados por las potencias del eje durante o poco antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cada estampilla tenía un valor de 5 centavos. Las estampillas mostraban, a todo color, las banderas de Polonia, Checoslovaquia, Noruega, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos, Bélgica, Francia, Grecia, Yugoslavia, Albania, Austria, Dinamarca y Corea, con los nombres de los respectivos países debajo. A la izquierda de cada bandera aparecía un fénix simbolizando la renovación de la vida. A la derecha de cada bandera aparecía una figura femenina de rodillas con sus brazos levantados, rompiendo las cadenas de la servidumbre. Las estampillas con banderas de países europeos fueron lanzadas en varias fechas de 1943 mientras que la estampilla con la bandera de Corea fue lanzada en noviembre de 1944. Debido al proceso complejo requerido para imprimir a color, la Oficina de Grabado e Impresión de los Estados Unidos contrató a la firma American Bank Note Company para producir las estampillas. (es)
The Overrun Countries series was a series of thirteen commemorative postage stamps, each of five-cent denomination, issued by the United States over a fifteen-month period in 1943 and 1944 as a tribute to thirteen nations overrun, occupied, and/or annexed by the Axis Powers during or shortly before World War II. The stamps depict, in full color, the national flags of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Austria, Denmark, and Korea, with the names of the respective countries underneath. To the left of each flag appears the symbol of a phoenix, symbolizing the renewal of life, and to its right appears a kneeling female figure with arms raised, breaking the shackles of servitude. The stamps with flags of European countries were released at intervals from June to December 1943, while the Korea flag stamp was released in November 1944. The dates on which these stamps were issued are: Poland, 22 June 1943; Czechoslovakia, 12 July 1943; Norway, 27 July 1943; Luxembourg, 10 August 1943; the Netherlands, 23 August 1943; Belgium, 14 September 1943; France, 28 September 1943; Greece, 12 October 1943; Yugoslavia, 26 October 1943; Albania, 9 November 1943; Austria, 23 November 1943; Denmark, 7 December 1943; and Korea, 2 November 1944. Because of the elaborate process necessary for the full-color printing, the United States government's Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C., contracted with a private firm, the American Bank Note Company in New York City, to produce the stamps. The Scott number for this series of stamps is from 909 to 921. (en)
La serie filatélica de los Países Invadidos fue una serie de 13 estampillas conmemorativas emitidas por Estados Unidos entre 1943 y 1944 como un tributo a 13 países ocupados por las potencias del eje durante o poco antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cada estampilla tenía un valor de 5 centavos. (es)
The Overrun Countries series was a series of thirteen commemorative postage stamps, each of five-cent denomination, issued by the United States over a fifteen-month period in 1943 and 1944 as a tribute to thirteen nations overrun, occupied, and/or annexed by the Axis Powers during or shortly before World War II. Because of the elaborate process necessary for the full-color printing, the United States government's Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C., contracted with a private firm, the American Bank Note Company in New York City, to produce the stamps. (en)