- Oyiradai (Mongolian: Ойрадай; Chinese: 斡亦剌歹), (?–1425) was a khagan of the Northern Yuan dynasty, reigning from 1415 to 1425. Oyiradai ascended to the throne with the help of the Oirats after Delbeg Khan was killed by eastern Mongols led by Adai Khan or perished in a battle with the Ming dynasty in the same year. His ascent to the throne was meant to legitimize Oirat rule because he was a direct descendant of Ariq Böke. Oyiradai’s reign only covers western Mongolian Plateau but this was expanded near his death: during his rule, with help from the Ming dynasty, western Mongols headed by Toghan launched two significant campaigns in 1422 and 1423 against Arughtai chingsang and Adai Khan respectively, controlling eastern and central Mongol territory, and both resulted in victory for Oirats. After Oyiradai Khan’s death in 1425, the conflicts among Oirats and western Mongol clans left the throne of khan vacant for several years, and it was not until 1433 when the Oirats finally crowned Taisun Khan (Toghtoa Bukha) as the new khan. Meanwhile, in the east, the Oirat’s rival eastern Mongol clans proclaimed Adai Khan as the Great Khan in 1425, which eventually resulted in half a decade of the simultaneous existence of two khans supported by opposing Mongol clans. (en)
- Oyiradai est un khagan des Mongols de la Dynastie Yuan du Nord (fr)
- 오이라다이 칸(몽골어:ᠣᠶᠢᠷᠠᠳᠠᠢ ᠬᠠᠭᠠᠨ, Ойрадай хаан, 斡亦剌歹, 혹은 衛拉岱汗, 1387년 ~ 1425년)은 몽골 제국의 대칸이자 북원의 황제(재위:1415년~1425년)이다. 휘는 오이라다이(斡亦刺岱、斡雅刺岱、烏尔岱). 오이라트부 출신으로 오이라트의 케레누트 씨족 수령인 우게치 카스카의 아들이라는 설, 아리크 부케의 후손이라는 설 등이 있다. 휘는 '오이라다이'(Ойрадай)였고, 칸호는 '에세크 칸'(Эсэхү хаан)이었다. 오이라트부의 도움으로 대칸위에 올랐다. 그의 통치권과 영향력은 서몽골에 한정되었으며, 1415년부터 동몽골에서는 아자이가 대칸으로 추대되어 서로 대립했다. 오이라트부의 지지를 얻어 즉위했으며, 황금사에는 오이라트인의 칸이라는 평이 있다. 북원 말기~청나라 초기의 몽골 역사가 은 우게치 카스하의 아들 에세크와 그를 혼동하였다. 즉위 초에는 서몽골만 다스렸으나, 1422년, 1423년 중부, 동부 몽골을 공격하여 일부 지역을 차지하고 오이라트와 함께 세력을 키웠다. (ko)
- オイラダイ・ハーン(モンゴル語:Oyiradai qaγan、ᠣᠶᠢᠷᠠᠳᠠᠢᠬᠠᠭᠠᠨ 英語:Oyiradai Khan、1387年 - 1425年)は、モンゴル帝国の第25代(北元としては第11代)皇帝(ハーン)。『蒙古源流』ではエセク・ハーン(Esekü qaγan)と表記される。 (ja)
- Эсеху Ойрадай-хан (1387—1425) — великий хан Монгольской империи из династии Северная Юань (1415—1425). Вел своё происхождение из рода Ариг-Буги. (ru)
- 斡亦剌歹(蒙古语:ᠣᠶᠢᠷᠠᠳᠠᠢ,转写:Oyiradai,西里尔字母:Ойрадай;?-1425年)或卫拉岱汗,鞑靼君主,第24代蒙古大汗,阿里不哥的后裔。1415年,阿鲁台袭击瓦剌,瓦剌所立的可汗答里巴、太师马哈木先后战死。马哈木的儿子脱欢拥立斡亦剌歹为汗,但他只是西蒙古的大汗,东蒙古在阿鲁台和他的大汗阿台汗手中。脱欢和斡亦剌歹联合明朝,打击阿鲁台。1425年,斡亦剌歹死后,阿台正式被立為新汗。 《蒙古源流》认为斡亦剌歹是布里牙特·乌格齐之子布里牙特·额色库,尊号额色库汗,有学者根据额色库有太平之意,认为额色库就是明朝册封的瓦剌贤义王太平。但这样的解释似乎等于认为太平就是斡亦剌歹,而《蒙古源流》又称15世纪初篡位的非黄金家族成员只有布里牙特·乌格齐,这样看来斡亦剌歹应该是黄金家族成员,而不是瓦剌人太平。另外布里牙特·乌格齐在1409年死后瓦剌由马哈木,太平,把秃孛罗共同控制,而斡亦剌歹在1415年才继汗位,但斡亦剌歹与太平都死于1424年或1425年,所以误传斡亦剌歹为额色库(太平)也有可能,而“斡亦剌”本身也即“瓦剌”的元代叫法。 (zh)
- Ойрадай-хан (д/н —1425) — 11-й великий каган Монгольського ханства в 1415—1425 роках. (uk)
- Oyiradai est un khagan des Mongols de la Dynastie Yuan du Nord (fr)
- オイラダイ・ハーン(モンゴル語:Oyiradai qaγan、ᠣᠶᠢᠷᠠᠳᠠᠢᠬᠠᠭᠠᠨ 英語:Oyiradai Khan、1387年 - 1425年)は、モンゴル帝国の第25代(北元としては第11代)皇帝(ハーン)。『蒙古源流』ではエセク・ハーン(Esekü qaγan)と表記される。 (ja)
- Эсеху Ойрадай-хан (1387—1425) — великий хан Монгольской империи из династии Северная Юань (1415—1425). Вел своё происхождение из рода Ариг-Буги. (ru)
- 斡亦剌歹(蒙古语:ᠣᠶᠢᠷᠠᠳᠠᠢ,转写:Oyiradai,西里尔字母:Ойрадай;?-1425年)或卫拉岱汗,鞑靼君主,第24代蒙古大汗,阿里不哥的后裔。1415年,阿鲁台袭击瓦剌,瓦剌所立的可汗答里巴、太师马哈木先后战死。马哈木的儿子脱欢拥立斡亦剌歹为汗,但他只是西蒙古的大汗,东蒙古在阿鲁台和他的大汗阿台汗手中。脱欢和斡亦剌歹联合明朝,打击阿鲁台。1425年,斡亦剌歹死后,阿台正式被立為新汗。 《蒙古源流》认为斡亦剌歹是布里牙特·乌格齐之子布里牙特·额色库,尊号额色库汗,有学者根据额色库有太平之意,认为额色库就是明朝册封的瓦剌贤义王太平。但这样的解释似乎等于认为太平就是斡亦剌歹,而《蒙古源流》又称15世纪初篡位的非黄金家族成员只有布里牙特·乌格齐,这样看来斡亦剌歹应该是黄金家族成员,而不是瓦剌人太平。另外布里牙特·乌格齐在1409年死后瓦剌由马哈木,太平,把秃孛罗共同控制,而斡亦剌歹在1415年才继汗位,但斡亦剌歹与太平都死于1424年或1425年,所以误传斡亦剌歹为额色库(太平)也有可能,而“斡亦剌”本身也即“瓦剌”的元代叫法。 (zh)
- Ойрадай-хан (д/н —1425) — 11-й великий каган Монгольського ханства в 1415—1425 роках. (uk)
- Oyiradai (Mongolian: Ойрадай; Chinese: 斡亦剌歹), (?–1425) was a khagan of the Northern Yuan dynasty, reigning from 1415 to 1425. Oyiradai ascended to the throne with the help of the Oirats after Delbeg Khan was killed by eastern Mongols led by Adai Khan or perished in a battle with the Ming dynasty in the same year. His ascent to the throne was meant to legitimize Oirat rule because he was a direct descendant of Ariq Böke. Oyiradai’s reign only covers western Mongolian Plateau but this was expanded near his death: during his rule, with help from the Ming dynasty, western Mongols headed by Toghan launched two significant campaigns in 1422 and 1423 against Arughtai chingsang and Adai Khan respectively, controlling eastern and central Mongol territory, and both resulted in victory for Oirats. (en)