Paperino e altre avventure (Donald Duck and Other Adventures), also known as Paperino giornale, is a 1937–40 weekly Italian Disney comics magazine published by Mondadori. The comic was launched by Federico Pedrocchi, Mondadori's art director, as a companion to the existing weekly Topolino (Mickey Mouse) magazine. Paperino published 149 issues from 30 December 1937 to 26 October 1940, at which point it was merged with Topolino. The eight-page newspaper published the first Italian Donald Duck comic book story, "Paolino Paperino e il mistero di Marte" ("Donald Duck and the Secret of Mars"), which was written and drawn by Pedrocchi, and serialized in 18 one-page installments. Pedrocchi wrote eight serials starring Disney characters for the paper, featuring Donald Duck, Goofy and the characters from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. During the same period, he also wrote two further Disney stories which were printed in Mondadori's biweekly publication Albi d'oro. Paperino also published non-Disney adventure comics from the United States, including Popeye, Buck Rogers, Ella Cinders and Tarzan, along with non-Disney comics created by Pedrocchi and others. In 1938, when the fascist Mussolini government ordered publishers to stop publishing American creations, Paperino dropped its American comics, except for Donald Duck; the Ministry's order made an exception for Disney comics. (en)
Paperino e altre avventure fu una testata in formato giornale intitolata all'omonimo personaggio della Disney edita in Italia dal 1937 al 1940 dalla Anonima Periodici Italiani. (it)
Paperino e altre avventure fu una testata in formato giornale intitolata all'omonimo personaggio della Disney edita in Italia dal 1937 al 1940 dalla Anonima Periodici Italiani. (it)
Paperino e altre avventure (Donald Duck and Other Adventures), also known as Paperino giornale, is a 1937–40 weekly Italian Disney comics magazine published by Mondadori. The comic was launched by Federico Pedrocchi, Mondadori's art director, as a companion to the existing weekly Topolino (Mickey Mouse) magazine. Paperino published 149 issues from 30 December 1937 to 26 October 1940, at which point it was merged with Topolino. (en)