Pei County (original) (raw)

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Der Kreis Pei (chinesisch 沛县, Pinyin Pèi Xiàn) ist ein chinesischer Kreis, der zum Verwaltungsgebiet der bezirksfreien Stadt Xuzhou in der Provinz Jiangsu gehört. Sein Verwaltungsgebiet hat eine Fläche von 1.349 km² und er zählt 1.141.935 Einwohner (Stand: Zensus 2010). Sein Hauptort ist die Großgemeinde (沛城镇).


Property Value
dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaTotal 1806.0
dbo:abstract Der Kreis Pei (chinesisch 沛县, Pinyin Pèi Xiàn) ist ein chinesischer Kreis, der zum Verwaltungsgebiet der bezirksfreien Stadt Xuzhou in der Provinz Jiangsu gehört. Sein Verwaltungsgebiet hat eine Fläche von 1.349 km² und er zählt 1.141.935 Einwohner (Stand: Zensus 2010). Sein Hauptort ist die Großgemeinde (沛城镇). (de) Le xian de Pei (沛县 ; pinyin : Pèi Xiàn) est un district administratif de la province du Jiangsu en Chine. Il est placé sous la juridiction de la ville-préfecture de Xuzhou. (fr) Pei County, or Peixian (simplified Chinese: 沛县; traditional Chinese: 沛縣; pinyin: Pèi Xiàn), is under the administration of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, China, bordering the Shandong prefecture-level cities of Jining to the northwest and Zaozhuang to the northeast and sitting on the western shore of Nansi Lake. It has an area of 1,576 square kilometres (608 sq mi) and a population of 1,141,935 in 2010. (en) Peixian (Hanzi sederhana: 沛县; Hanzi tradisional: 沛縣; Pinyin: Pèi Xiàn), merupakan sebuah wilayah yang berada di bawah administrasi Xuzhou, provinsi Jiangsu, Tiongkok, berbatasan dengan Shandong kota setingkat prefektur Jining di barat laut dan Zaozhuang di timur laut dan terletak di pantai barat . Wilayah ini seluas 1.576 kilometer persegi (608 sq mi) dan berpopulasi 1.141.935 jiwa pada 2010. (in) 沛県(はい-けん)は中華人民共和国江蘇省徐州市に位置する県。漢朝を創始した太祖劉邦の出身地であり、明朝を創始した太祖朱元璋の祖籍のある場所でもある。古くから栄え、文化遺産が豊富。泗水亭・歌風台・高祖原廟・射戟台などの名所があり、漢代の沛県城を復元したテーマパークも建設されている。 (ja) Peixian (沛县 Pei Hsien in Wade-Giles) è una contea che sorge nel Jiangsu nord occidentale ed è sottoposta all'amministrazione della città di Xuzhou. Si trova al confine con lo Shandong e sulla riva occidentale del lago 微山湖.. Occupa una superficie di 1.576 km². (it) 페이 현(한국어: 패현, 중국어: 沛县, 병음: Pèi Xiàn) 은 중화인민공화국 장쑤성 쉬저우 시의 현급 행정구역이다. 넓이는 1349km2이고, 인구는 2007년 기준으로 1,180,000명이다. (ko) Pei, även känt som Peixian eller Peihsien, är ett härad som hör till Xuzhous stad på prefekturnivå i Jiangsu-provinsen i östra Kina. Det ligger omkring 340 kilometer nordväst om provinshuvudstaden Nanjing. Häradet är mest känt som Handynastins grundare Liu Bangs hemort. (sv) Пэйся́нь (кит. упр. 沛县, пиньинь Pèi xiàn) — уезд городского округа Сюйчжоу провинции Цзянсу (КНР). (ru) 沛县是中國江苏省徐州市下辖的一个县,因古有“沛澤”而得名,东滨微山湖,与山东省微山县毗连,北接鱼台县,西邻丰县,南临铜山区。面积1576平方千米,2015年戶籍人口130.12万。是汉高祖刘邦和多位漢初重臣的故乡,相传也是朱元璋的祖籍,因此有“汉汤沐邑,明先世家”之美誉。 (zh) Пові́т Пе́й (спрощ.: 沛县; кит. трад.: 沛縣; піньїнь: Pèi Xiàn) — повіт в Китайській Народній Республіці, в провінції Цзянсу. Розташований на північному заході провінції. Підпорядкований окружному місту Сюйчжоу. Площа — 1576 км², населення — 1 217 400 (uk)
dbo:areaCode 0516
dbo:areaTotal 1806000000.000000 (xsd:double)
dbo:country dbr:People's_Republic_of_China
dbo:populationTotal 1290500 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
dbo:postalCode 221600
dbo:subdivision dbr:Jiangsu dbr:Xuzhou
dbo:thumbnail wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/歌风台_the_Gefeng_Tai_Al..._Peixian_Couty_,jiangsu.jpg?width=300
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dbo:wikiPageLength 6579 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Prefecture-level_city dbr:People's_Republic_of_China dbc:Administrative_divisions_of_Xuzhou dbr:Eastern_Han_dynasty dbr:Liu_Bang dbr:Liu_Bei dbr:Lü_Bu dbr:Zaozhuang dbr:China_Standard_Time dbr:Xu_Province dbr:Fan_Kuai dbr:Han_dynasty dbc:County-level_divisions_of_Jiangsu dbr:Tao_Qian_(Han_dynasty) dbr:Jiangsu dbr:Jining dbr:Zhuzhai,_Jiangsu dbr:Nansi_Lake dbr:Shandong dbr:Xuzhou dbr:Province_(China) dbr:County_(People's_Republic_of_China) dbr:Prefecture-level_cities dbr:Postal_code_of_China dbr:Anguo,_Jiangsu dbr:Datun,_Jiangsu dbr:Gefeng_Tai dbr:Hekou,_Jiangsu dbr:Huzhai dbr:Jing'an,_Jiangsu dbr:Longgu,_Jiangsu dbr:Lulou,_Jiangsu dbr:Qishan,_Jiangsu dbr:Weimiao dbr:Wuduan dbr:Yangtun dbr:Zhangzhuang dbr:Zhangzhai dbr:Peicheng
dbp:aprHighC 21.100000 (xsd:double)
dbp:aprHumidity 63 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:aprMeanC 15.300000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:aprRecordLowC -1.800000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:decRecordLowC -13.700000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:febPrecipitationMm 18.500000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:febRecordLowC -15.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:imageCaption Gefeng Tai (en)
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dbp:imageSkyline 歌风台_the_Gefeng_Tai_Altar_of_Peixian_Couty_,jiangsu.jpg (en)
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dbp:julHighC 31.400000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:julLowC 23.700000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:junPrecipitationMm 96.700000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:junRecordLowC 12.600000 (xsd:double)
dbp:location Peixian (en)
dbp:mapCaption Location in Xuzhou (en)
dbp:marHighC 14 (xsd:integer)
dbp:marHumidity 62 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:marMeanC 8.500000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:mayRecordHighC 36.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:mayRecordLowC 5.300000 (xsd:double)
dbp:metricFirst y (en)
dbp:name Peixian (en)
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dbp:octLowC 11.600000 (xsd:double)
dbp:octMeanC 16 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:octRecordHighC 35.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:octRecordLowC -1.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:p Pèi Xiàn (en)
dbp:populationAsOf 2019 (xsd:integer)
dbp:populationDensityKm auto (en)
dbp:populationTotal 1290500 (xsd:integer)
dbp:postalCode 221600 (xsd:integer)
dbp:postalCodeType dbr:Postal_code_of_China
dbp:precipitationColour green (en)
dbp:pushpinLabel Peixian (en)
dbp:pushpinMap China Jiangsu (en)
dbp:pushpinMapCaption Location in Jiangsu (en)
dbp:s 沛县 (en)
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dbp:sepMeanC 21.900000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:sepRecordHighC 36.100000 (xsd:double)
dbp:sepRecordLowC 6.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:settlementType dbr:County_(People's_Republic_of_China)
dbp:singleLine y (en)
dbp:source China Meteorological Data Service Center (en)
dbp:subdivisionName dbr:People's_Republic_of_China dbr:Jiangsu dbr:Xuzhou
dbp:subdivisionType dbr:Prefecture-level_city dbr:Province_(China) Country (en)
dbp:t 沛縣 (en)
dbp:timezone dbr:China_Standard_Time
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dbp:utcOffset +8 (en)
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dcterms:subject dbc:Administrative_divisions_of_Xuzhou dbc:County-level_divisions_of_Jiangsu
georss:point 34.716 116.919
rdf:type owl:Thing dbo:Place dbo:Location schema:AdministrativeArea schema:Place dbo:Region wikidata:Q3455524 dbo:PopulatedPlace yago:WikicatCitiesInChina yago:WikicatCitiesInJiangsu geo:SpatialThing yago:AdministrativeDistrict108491826 yago:City108524735 yago:District108552138 yago:GeographicalArea108574314 yago:Location100027167 yago:Municipality108626283 yago:Object100002684 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:Region108630985 yago:YagoGeoEntity yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity dbo:AdministrativeRegion dbo:Settlement yago:UrbanArea108675967
rdfs:comment Der Kreis Pei (chinesisch 沛县, Pinyin Pèi Xiàn) ist ein chinesischer Kreis, der zum Verwaltungsgebiet der bezirksfreien Stadt Xuzhou in der Provinz Jiangsu gehört. Sein Verwaltungsgebiet hat eine Fläche von 1.349 km² und er zählt 1.141.935 Einwohner (Stand: Zensus 2010). Sein Hauptort ist die Großgemeinde (沛城镇). (de) Le xian de Pei (沛县 ; pinyin : Pèi Xiàn) est un district administratif de la province du Jiangsu en Chine. Il est placé sous la juridiction de la ville-préfecture de Xuzhou. (fr) Pei County, or Peixian (simplified Chinese: 沛县; traditional Chinese: 沛縣; pinyin: Pèi Xiàn), is under the administration of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, China, bordering the Shandong prefecture-level cities of Jining to the northwest and Zaozhuang to the northeast and sitting on the western shore of Nansi Lake. It has an area of 1,576 square kilometres (608 sq mi) and a population of 1,141,935 in 2010. (en) Peixian (Hanzi sederhana: 沛县; Hanzi tradisional: 沛縣; Pinyin: Pèi Xiàn), merupakan sebuah wilayah yang berada di bawah administrasi Xuzhou, provinsi Jiangsu, Tiongkok, berbatasan dengan Shandong kota setingkat prefektur Jining di barat laut dan Zaozhuang di timur laut dan terletak di pantai barat . Wilayah ini seluas 1.576 kilometer persegi (608 sq mi) dan berpopulasi 1.141.935 jiwa pada 2010. (in) 沛県(はい-けん)は中華人民共和国江蘇省徐州市に位置する県。漢朝を創始した太祖劉邦の出身地であり、明朝を創始した太祖朱元璋の祖籍のある場所でもある。古くから栄え、文化遺産が豊富。泗水亭・歌風台・高祖原廟・射戟台などの名所があり、漢代の沛県城を復元したテーマパークも建設されている。 (ja) Peixian (沛县 Pei Hsien in Wade-Giles) è una contea che sorge nel Jiangsu nord occidentale ed è sottoposta all'amministrazione della città di Xuzhou. Si trova al confine con lo Shandong e sulla riva occidentale del lago 微山湖.. Occupa una superficie di 1.576 km². (it) 페이 현(한국어: 패현, 중국어: 沛县, 병음: Pèi Xiàn) 은 중화인민공화국 장쑤성 쉬저우 시의 현급 행정구역이다. 넓이는 1349km2이고, 인구는 2007년 기준으로 1,180,000명이다. (ko) Pei, även känt som Peixian eller Peihsien, är ett härad som hör till Xuzhous stad på prefekturnivå i Jiangsu-provinsen i östra Kina. Det ligger omkring 340 kilometer nordväst om provinshuvudstaden Nanjing. Häradet är mest känt som Handynastins grundare Liu Bangs hemort. (sv) Пэйся́нь (кит. упр. 沛县, пиньинь Pèi xiàn) — уезд городского округа Сюйчжоу провинции Цзянсу (КНР). (ru) 沛县是中國江苏省徐州市下辖的一个县,因古有“沛澤”而得名,东滨微山湖,与山东省微山县毗连,北接鱼台县,西邻丰县,南临铜山区。面积1576平方千米,2015年戶籍人口130.12万。是汉高祖刘邦和多位漢初重臣的故乡,相传也是朱元璋的祖籍,因此有“汉汤沐邑,明先世家”之美誉。 (zh) Пові́т Пе́й (спрощ.: 沛县; кит. трад.: 沛縣; піньїнь: Pèi Xiàn) — повіт в Китайській Народній Республіці, в провінції Цзянсу. Розташований на північному заході провінції. Підпорядкований окружному місту Сюйчжоу. Площа — 1576 км², населення — 1 217 400 (uk)
rdfs:label Pei (Xuzhou) (de) Peixian (in) Xian de Pei (fr) Peixian (it) 페이현 (쉬저우시) (ko) 沛県 (ja) Pei County (en) Пэйсянь (ru) Pei, Xuzhou (sv) Повіт Пей (uk) 沛县 (zh)
owl:sameAs freebase:Pei County wikidata:Pei County geodata:Pei County dbpedia-de:Pei County dbpedia-fa:Pei County dbpedia-fr:Pei County dbpedia-id:Pei County dbpedia-it:Pei County dbpedia-ja:Pei County dbpedia-ko:Pei County dbpedia-no:Pei County dbpedia-ru:Pei County dbpedia-sv:Pei County dbpedia-th:Pei County dbpedia-uk:Pei Countyپئی_کاؤنٹی dbpedia-vi:Pei County dbpedia-zh:Pei County yago-res:Pei County
geo:geometry POINT(116.91899871826 34.715999603271)
geo:lat 34.716000 (xsd:float)
geo:long 116.918999 (xsd:float)
prov:wasDerivedFrom wikipedia-en:Pei_County?oldid=1120413188&ns=0
foaf:depiction wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/ChinaXuzhouPei.png wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/歌风台_the_Gefeng_Tai_Altar_of_Peixian_Couty_,jiangsu.jpg
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf wikipedia-en:Pei_County
foaf:name Peixian (en)
is dbo:birthPlace of dbr:Qiu_Sen dbr:Wei_Feng dbr:Li_Ang_(footballer) dbr:Zhang_Hanxin dbr:Zhu_Dunfa dbr:Han_Xiaopeng dbr:Xiahou_Ying dbr:Cao_Shen dbr:Zhou_Bo
is dbo:deathPlace of dbr:Qin_Yilu dbr:Yuan_Yi_(Han_dynasty)
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of dbr:Pei
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of dbr:Xiaopei dbr:Peixian
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of dbr:Cao_Cao dbr:Qin_Yilu dbr:Qiu_Sen dbr:List_of_administrative_divisions_of_Jiangsu dbr:Battle_of_Xiapi dbr:List_of_counties_in_China dbr:Li_Gun dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(H) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(J) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(L) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(M) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(Z) dbr:Pengcheng_Commandery dbr:Wei_Feng dbr:108_Heroes dbr:Railways_in_Jiangsu dbr:Chu–Han_Contention dbr:Emperor_Gaozu_of_Han dbr:Emperor_Hui_of_Han dbr:Empress_Lü dbr:G30_Lianyungang–Khorgas_Expressway dbr:Li_Ang_(footballer) dbr:Si_River dbr:Yuan_Yi_(Han_dynasty) dbr:Yue_Jin dbr:Yutai_County dbr:Zhang_Hanxin dbr:Zhang_Liang_(Western_Han) dbr:Zhu_Dunfa dbr:Hou_Cheng dbr:Pei dbr:Pei_Commandery dbr:Ji_Ling dbr:East_China_administrative_division_codes_of_the_PRC_(Division_3) dbr:Feng_County,_Jiangsu dbr:Fan_Kuai dbr:History_of_the_Han_dynasty dbr:Qishan dbr:Han_Xiaopeng dbr:Hanzhong dbr:Chen_Deng dbr:Chen_Gui dbr:Jingnan_campaign dbr:King's_War dbr:Lady_Gan dbr:Xiahou_Ying dbr:Xiang_Chong_(Water_Margin) dbr:Xiao_He dbr:Xuzhou_(ancient_China) dbr:Yuzhou_(ancient_China) dbr:Zhuzhai dbr:Cao_Shen dbr:Cao_Xing dbr:Xiaopei dbr:Xuzhou dbr:Hekou dbr:Liu_Pi,_Prince_of_Wu dbr:Liu_Zhijun_(Later_Liang) dbr:Zhou_Bo dbr:Peixian
is dbp:birthPlace of dbr:Emperor_Gaozu_of_Han dbr:Emperor_Hui_of_Han dbr:Zhang_Hanxin dbr:Lady_Gan dbr:Xiahou_Ying dbr:Cao_Shen dbr:Zhou_Bo
is dbp:deathPlace of dbr:Qin_Yilu dbr:Yuan_Yi_(Han_dynasty)
is dbp:hometown of dbr:Li_Gun dbr:Xiang_Chong_(Water_Margin)
is dbp:text of dbr:Xuzhou
is foaf:primaryTopic of wikipedia-en:Pei_County